NKO – Reg Øst samlinger våren 2015


Shin_reg_stand – KopiRegion Øst har nok av jern i ilden, på lik linje som alle andre steder. Regionen deler også inn aktivitet blant klubbene etter kapasitet og kompetanse. Horten har hatt Teen Challenge og Ringerike har hatt Mushi Challenge. Nå står Færder kk og Horten kk klare med en treningssamlling hver i mai for alle som kan krype og gå! Fokus er kompetanseheving og sosialisering.

Målet er ogå å få løftet det totale miljøet, og det vil aktive, mindre aktive, den valige utøver og de som måtte ha en trener rolle eller så.



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French Open Shinkyokushin 2015

french_open2015 – KopiFrench Open 2014 made a very strong impression. The level was high, and the tournament could bring many countries to the Tatami. French Open 2015 is held 13th of June, and it could mean the last test before the World Tournament for some one!

Read more – guide lines and info – and some og the fights from last years tournament!




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Greek Summercamp 2015

camp_2015_1 (1)From 28/6 – 2/7 2015 the 18th Greek Shinkyokushin Summer camp will be arranged. As always the camp can offer some real top instructors, and this year : Shihan Cyril Andrews and Shihan Juan Carlos Ecalera! And of course the camp also have their own top instructors…


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Scottish Open 2016

scottish16 – KopiYear Scottish Open was a huge success. The tournament was a nice start to the year, and many used the tournament to get started. Date for next year’s tournament is already clear! And this means that you can plan in plenty of time which is a plus.

This years tournament brought us some really good fights, take a closer look at the poster of 2016, and some of the fights from this year!



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British Open 2015 -IFK

ifkThe tradition is kept alive when the 39th edition of the British Open held in autumn 2015. Saturday October 17th, once again it is ready for the British Open hosted by Bkk IFK.

More info soon..

Vytautas Cėpla, Lithuania

Vytautas Cepla Fighting in the middleweight division, Vytautas Cèpla has been of of the top three in Europe the last years. Runner up in the European Championships in 2013 and 2014, and he did also reach the podium in the Open weight EC (third place) in EC 2014. In the Mas Oyama memorial cup, he also manage to reach the final, and capture the 2nd place. Fighting out of Lithuania, one of the strongest nations, Cèpla has been the national champion several times and a national team member. Always pushes himself and growing each time.


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