KWU-Doping results – Time to be clean

1424112167_afisha – KopiKWU, published the doping results from the World Championship held in Russia October 3-4. 2015. The result is now well known, and discussions around this is going on across the whole Kyokushin world. Six athletes lost their trophy as a result of the doping test. But we also fear that behind this results others also could be using illegal substances. That said, we do have to remember a important thing: an athlete is innocent – until proven otherwise. Many also think to make Kyokushin a modern sport, we will face even bigger challenges in the same direction that this results have pointed out.

Kyokushin – will we take the fight against ourselves?!

Disappointment, it is probably the word that is most concise for such a result. But is it really unexpected? Against our will, one must admit that it is not entirely unexpected. We are all people, and when we see how the professional sport are at the time, we can of course see the parallels. Many reacted when the statement came the day after the KWU World Championship, that all fighters was clean.

“- All athletes have passed the doping test with negative results. All winners without exception, absolutely clean. It is extremely rare that at this level of competition doping athletes promote themselves – told a press secretary World Championship Kyokushinkai Xenia Isaeva. “
WADA_logoThis statement was then pulled back with an apology. This was stated before the official doping tests, and this was not fortunate. Many began to speculate, and this increased since it took a very long time before any more details came. It was envisaged that one should get the official answer 19th October, but it took almost two months from the doping agency. On top of that about a month before the results where official. This has been a challenge for many to wait for. In this case it has been a situation with the Russian anti doping agency Rusada being banned from WADA. During this delay, many of the fighters that was waiting for the results entered new tournaments – WKO 11th World Championship was one of them.

Every time Kyokushin – Full Contact Karate takes a step towards a higher level of professionalism sport, we also have to face a higher level of this type of challenges. -Like all other sports.


Anyway, The 2nd KWU World Championship shall not be pointed out as a black sheep. Taking everything into account this was a great tournament. And we should always remember all the great moments, and don`t let us focus on the bad thing only.

When someone fail at a doping test, the test organ and organizers communicate a message. These results also tell us that maybe testing should be done when fighters are qualified to big tournaments as European Championship, World Cup`s and World Tournaments. If World Champions are being caught in doping, the impact will be huge. If a World Championship contender fails a test, and as a result being banned before the World Tournament, it would be better. But of course not every thing is as simple as it sounds

kwu_Champ2015If we see a parallel to MMA, where doping is a huge problem, we can see how big the problem may be. Even many of UFC own Hall Of Fame fighters are caught using doping. And countless champions have been revealed as users of illegal substances. We must MUST  take this fight, and at all levels. We like to look at us self as Karatekas, men and women of Budo. persons that always try to follow the path of righteousness…

One thing will be working against the doping, and the attitude around it. But when it happen, when some one are being caught we should also behave professional. In these days of social media, commenting and free flow of opinions .. we should at least respect the the human – but not illegal acts.

See the revised results list from 2nd KWU WC.

And just to be shore -this is what we shall remember: