Kumite & Sparring Camp 2016

2016romaniancamp – KopiMasterclass in Romania February, 2016!

Kumite and sparring camp 19-21. Oradea, Romania. Two of the finest instructors we have, and maybe one of them that stands for developing the style of full contact fighting.

RomaniaSenseisHarris Wallmen Sensei and Marisus Ilas Sensei will held the sparring and kumite camp 2016. Follow Federatia Română de Karate Kyokushin facebook for more information. Last year the camp had a Swedish – Romanian cooperation with not only Swedish fighters, but also the top fighter Jimmie Collin Sempai and national coach of Sweden Magnus Hanssen Sensei (link)

Romania, Oradea 19-21 Februar – 2016, the place where top fighters should be!