Jimmie Collin seminar 2017

Helgen 26/27 August er det klart for fight og Kick off med Jimmie Collin. Seminaret blir avholdt med Kiruna Kyokushin Karate som arrangør. Åpent for ung/voksne (9.Kyu og oppover /13 år)

The weekend of 26/27 August is ready for the fight and kick off with Jimmie Collins. The seminar will be held with Kiruna Kyokushin Karate as organizer. Open to all young /adults (9.Kyu and up /13 years)

Som tidligere nevnt, så jobbes det hardt i den nordligste regionen av Sverige med å spre samt utbedre Svensk Kyokushin Karate. Det vises et enormt engasjement i regionen, og med hjelp av den Svenske organisasjone jobber man systematisk. Gå ikke glipp av denne muligheten for å trene under en av Europas topp fighters gjennom mange år!

⇐Hotel info

As mentioned earlier, it is working hard in the northernmost region of Sweden to spread and correct Swedish Kyokushin Karate. There is a tremendous commitment in the region, and with the help of the Swedish organization it will be systematically worked to build up the region and spread Kyokushin at a higher level. Nearby countries as Norway and Finland do also have great possibilities through this work. Do not miss this opportunity to work out with one of Europe’s top fighters for many years!

See official facebook site for full info

Sigh up info@kirunakarate.se

Jimmie Collin – Sweden.  (profile)

Swedish national member for many years, and with the most merited Swedish fighter ever “title” on his shoulders. Represented Sweden in 4 World Championships.Tactical and systematically fighting style, always in control. Did a very strong 2012, and established himself for real among the best fighters in Europe. This was even in the open weight tournaments, as Collin stays in the middleweight category. 2nd place in the European Championship middleweight and in the Open category, continues to improve, and impress. 3 times on the EC podium weight category, 2 times in the open weight. Winner of countless tournaments..