It`s on! – Summer camp 2016 Norway

2016SC_nko (2) – KopHalfway through this year’s summer camp, it’s time for a little status. This year’s camp had clearly a high anticipation, as two highly skilled Shihan stood as main instructors: Kumiko Sunakawa / Japan and Jesper Trier / Denmark. And of course Norwegian instructors as well. So what could we expect from this years camp, what does the camp offer?

Shihan Sunakawa and Shihan Jesper Trier are both great instructors. Not only are they all round skilled and very good practitioners, but they are very skilled in the teaching part. How the bring the most important things into the training, and makes those tings understandable. This really lift the level as the training goes by. Bringing the fundamental keys in Kyokushin Karate to us all.

The camp also had sessions for women only – lead by Shihan Sunakawa, where Kumite was the focus. And whar could be better than be tough by one of the best? (2nd word cup 2005)  At the other end of the arena, Shihan Trier did his group with Kumite fokus also. And close and far away distance fighting was the catch. Shihan Trier also  brought in training drills from some of the most successful Dojos in Japan, that challenged everyone…more will come! See pictures from the camp – Sunakawa Facebook

⇓ One of the group – judging by the face … 🙂

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