Full Contact Video Time…!

It`s holiday time, and we like to share some good fights to watch. Maybe not all of the fights are well known, but the fighters in the videos are!

In 2012 Kyokushin-Kan (Royama group) had their 4th European Championship. Totally dominated by Russian fighters, most from Kan, but also a strong continent from IFK Russia. In the semi-final two of the really top men from each organisations met: Shamsudin Abdurashidov (KAN) Aka vs Alexei Mezhevstov (IFK). The fight is extremely hard, and also in the thoughts that this is the semi – with one more fight to go for the winner. How much damage to the legs is it possibly to take

Donatas Imbras (LT) of of the strongest heavyweights in the world. Runner up in the 9th World Championship and runner up also runner up in the World Cup loosing a highly questionable decision. But long before that he entered the Lithuanian championship, and there he faces Gediminas Tankevicius. Tankevicius was on the level that Imbras would reach some years later, but even so it could be seen that Imbras was something “extra”! Not often do we see that the fighter are so exhausted that when the referee addresses him he must rest with his hands on the knees.

Hungarian Open 2009,one of the most powerful tournaments in Europe with the entire European elite plus top fighters from Russia and Kazakhstan. At this time the Hungarian team had some fearsome fighters, and specially in the light and middleweight division. Gergo Magna and Sándor Bak was two known profiles, and they actually met in the EC final in 2008. In the final Hungarian Open Marius Ilas (ROM) faced Sándor Bak (HUN) in a wild final that gives an good example of one thing – a good fight do not necessary means stone hard knock out.

Lechi Kurbanov met in the ring August 10, 2002 with the Dutch kickboxer Lloyd Van Damme. Damme fighting out from legendary Chakuriki Gym with Thom Harinck in his corner. (should be) Well known for the all Full Contact followers. The bout took place in the ring, but by the rules of Kyokushin. As acknowledged by Lechi Kurbanov is the hardest fight of his career. Kurbanov, The Russian bear, feared for his spectacular knock out techniques vs Damme seems to absorb every thing..

Last one is and classic, Japan`s top man agaist Russia`n top man. Norichika Tsukamoto) JPN) vs Denis Grigoriev (RUS)  A really god tactical set up that ends in a knock down, for many the set up would be more impressive than the technique itself..