EC Shinkyokushin Openweight 2012

European Championships open weight was settled this weekend.


It is ten years since Shinkyokushin organization held an open weight EC. In 2002, was a Bulgarian named Valeri Dimitrov on top of the podium. A lot has changed in ten years but not all ..

After a few canceled, the number of fighters 14 in the category of men. Many wished more fighters for the tournament, but a busy schedule and priorities must always be done by an athlete. And let it be said: the 14 fighters that was lined up are all very competent and strong athletes with many fights and good records.

There was also a female class, and that Friday offered EC for Cadette and U-22 athletes. Saturday as open weight should be held, starting with the finals of the U-22 classes as a warm-up for the audience, and to put a nice setting for final fights of the youth class.

Then it was time for open weight EC 2012. First pair out was Anca Dan from Romania vs Dereza Olena from Ukraine. Anca Dan advance on to 2.runde. The Second Ukrainian athlete Anastasiia Khrustalova, lost too. and it was the home fighter Anna Brzezicka who stood for this. Next home fighter Agata Kaliciak picked up move on as she beat Hungarian Lídia Körmöndi. This match was very even and hard. This was 1.runde, the remainder had a walkover directly to Round 2.

In round two, it was time for the favorites to enter the mat. Inga Mikstaite  from
LITHUANIA wins against Habraszka Dobrosława, Poland with wazari. Szepesi Csenge,
Hungary wins against Dan Anca, Romania. Viviana Chirila, Romania wins against Brzezicka Anna, Poland and Ciuplyte Margarita, LITHUANIA wins against Kaliciak Agata, Poland. After this round, you could say that my favorites fulfilled and that there were no surprises.

It had not done anything about it had been some surprises. For the four athletes left standing, have had many encounters against each other before, and it was doubtful that any new outcomes was going to happen. Inga Mikstaite defeats Csenge Szepesi as she has done before. The battle is however settled on warning, after Inga Mikstaite being struck by blows to the head, which seems to be a habit, after experiencing this in the EC and WT too. Everyone remembers how her WT was stopped as a result. But good for all continued Inga Mikstaite the tournament and she met teammate Margarita Ciuplyte in the final. Margarita on his side had beaten Viviana Chirila, Romania. These two have met many times before, and Ciuplyte are a notch stronger. But Chirilia puts up a good fight, and is very close to hit with a “death-roll” (roll kick named by haukisweb) Good fight of Romaina-but better from Lithuania.

Ciuplyte and Mikstaite met in the final, which was an anti-climax. There was no nerve in the match and it seemed like the goal was reached even before the fight. These were many who felt, for it was not warm applause filled the hall when the fight was done. Anyway Margarita Ciuplyte stood as the winner of the women’s open weight class, the incredible talented fighter she is.

Valeri Dimitrov, Bulgaria won the men’s class as he did 10 years ago. This you have already read, or seen. Dimitrov took out several good fighters. And although many held him as a big favorite, was very entertaining matches good. Dimitrov met Fredrik Olsson in 2, round (wo 1st round, Dimitrov) Olsson had won over the home fighter Marek Odzeniak. Olsson had a hard meeting with technical Dimitrov, who found Olssons legs as a weakness. Olsson showed his strength when he beat top results tameshiwari. Romania’s Dorin Margarint was the next opponent for Dimitrov. Dorin had shown very strong fightng earlier in the tournament. In his first match he smashed Polish Łukasz Lemieszko, with brutal ripping lowkick. Dorin’s second fight was the defeat of Hungarian Zsolt Balogh. This match was very even and could withstood an extension. Balogh took today’s fastest k.o. in their first match against IhorVerneha,

Valeri Dimitrov sent Dorin Margarint down into the mat with strong and well-timed body blow. Margarint on his side had not given up easily and held strong stand. With this victory, Dimitrov was ready for the final. In the opposite pool worked Swedish Jimmie Collin to the same possiasjon. On his way: Balázs Kovács, HUNGARY, Mateusz Garbacz
POLAND and ROMANIA Marius Ilas. Ila and Collins have had many fights before because they belong in the same weight class. The fight between the two was very tactical, as expected by practitioners of this caliber. And after several extensions, it went to a decision on weight. No difference, there is tameshiwari. Ilas failed tameshiwari and Collin wins this close fight, and Ilas on his side taking it all very sporty and wishes Collin luck in the tournament.

Valeri Dimitrov and Jimmie Collin ready for the final. They fought in 2007 in the World
Tournament, and Dimitrov stood as the winner. The same happen this time, Collin can not take  Valeri Dimitrov`s powerfull body blows – and who can? Valeri Dimitrov European Openweight Champion 2012!