Dutch Kyokushin Karate Championships 2016

nk2016The Netherlands has very strong full contact traditions. Not only Full Contact Karate, but also within Thai, kick boxing and more. We all remember the strong Kyokushin profiles came from the Netherlands: Michel Wedel, Peter Smith, Hans Mars, Erik Constancia, John Kleijn to name some..

May 21th, Full contact Karate Organizations united to organize Dutch Kyokushin Championship 2016,where several different organisations joined the tournament . The result of this was a very high level tournament, tough and hard fighting as we know dutch fighters from “back in the days..)

⇐ …Pictures taken by Chimofu.nl see full album HERE 


Dutch top fighter Shinkyokushin Tim Haverkamp, made a notable comeback after a while away from the game.

Men – 75 kg.
1. Davey Brand Budokai Vleesenbeek – NKKO
2. Leroy Verschuren Bushido Dojo – NKA-IFK
3. Joey Spoor Renshu Dojo – AJKU
3. Wesley Jansen Hokori Meiyo – So Kyokushin

Men – 85 kg.
1. Tim Haverkamp Shinkyokushin Zutphen – NSKO
2. Kelvin Tienstra Bushido Dojo – NKA-IFK
3. Stef Blankers Musashi Dojo – NSKO
3. Mitchel de Bont Musashi Dojo – NSKO

Men – 95 kg.
1. Roel Noordman Nintai Dojo – NKA-IFK
2. Jan van Beek Noritsu Dojo – NKA-IFK
3. Koen Brink Sportschool Mas Oyama – NKKO

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photoMen + 95 kg.
1. Marc de Roodt Sportschool Kihon – AIKO
2. Sammy-lee Muller Ruud Muller Dojo – NKF
3. Michel Meuldijk Sportclub Sushiho – NKA-IFK

Women – 65 kg.
1. Stephanie v/d Rijt Budokai Tilburg – So Kyokushin
2. Sandra van Ham Sportschool Ying Yang – NKKO
3. Mercedes Spoor Renshu Dojo – AJKU

Women + 65 kg.
1. Chelsea Kerklaan Nintai Dojo – NKA-IFK
2. Joyce Huisken Sportschool Thomas – NKKO
3. Silvia den Ridder Bushido Dojo – NKA-IFK

Spirit award: Joey Spoor Renshu Dojo – AJKU
Best technic: Erica Ly Tamashi Dojo – NKKO

Men -85kg⇓
