Danish Summer Camp report!
Through the days of the Danish summer camp, all the participant where amused over the great location of the camp. The camp area is in an enormous sports center with possibilities to do any kind of sport, inside as well as outside. And as every know Kyokushin can be trained everywhere!
←Kumiko Sunakawa Sensei
The camp is very well organized, and the hospitality of the Danish Karatekas are splendid. Training with the Danish instructors are great, and it can safely be said that the Danish organization really work hard to be the best they can.←Shihan Jan Bülow is in the lead of the camp. He is making a strong example of Kyokushin spirit and the true meaning of what we do. Other names (to name a few) Sensei Christina Pedersen, one of the best Kata athletes in Europe, Sensei Mathias Davidoff Halberg, retired fighter and the organizer of the Danish Kumite Camp who brings in the top fighters of the world to Denmark every year.
←Sempai Benno Rasmussen, a veteran with great knowledge of Kumite, still active and have been in the top of the heavyweight category when he fought in the European Championships. Rasmussen together with Halberg are the national coaches of Denmark. This is a short note of some of the Danish instructors, and there are several more that you will meet next year when YOU attend to the Danish Summer Camp!
Karate – the language for the entire world.
It is not often you can see so much positive energy and skills combined in one person. A superb all round instructor who can teach all levels with great results, and every one leaves Kumiko Sensei`s training with a great smile! And one thing that impresses many is how she communicates through Karate. Karate – the language for the entire world.
You have to feel it to believe it..
Training sessions was various each time, and all aspect of Kyokushin Karate was covered. Basic, Kata and Kumite. And of course training for the spirit! One of the sessions really tested the limits of the Karatekas. The temperature was heated up with heat canons in of the smaller Dojo`s. It`s hard to say how hot, but the heat hit you in the face when you entered the door. Well inside the running started…and then followed training that’s only is meant for true believers. Hard physical training in this extreme heat, all type of exercises that’s make the body drained for power and liquid. But every one gave all that they had, and after this training there was a common respect and understanding – You have to feel it to believe it..
Any questions?
Valeri Dimitrov Sensei ↑ (who NOT train aerobic ;o) , ref question session Sunday evening) Have a unique way of teaching. The most common way to lead a session for an instructor is to give the people different task to work on, and then take some questions later on. Valeri Sensei turn this around, and want to hear what do YOU want to train, tell me and maybe I can come with some solutions. The reason for this is that Valeri Sensei wants to give you what you need, not to show something that you maybe have trained the session before. So this is a great possibility to ask an elite fighter how you can solve some of your Kumite challenges. That said, it is a good reason to believe that every feel that what Valeri Sensei choose to show – is never boring or something people don`t want to see.
One of the great outdoor sessions was done Sunday mid day. This sessions Kumiko and Valeri Sensei`s joined up and teach the entire camp. This was a playful session with many variations and lots of fun, but there was also sparring and technical challenges as well. And as said before, all the instructors joined in and gave their very best. This is a great inspiration for the rest of us. Nederland was also represented, ←Shihan Gilbert Cleveringa did all parts in the camp, instructing as well as giving one hundred % when he participated in the training sessions.
The camp had, if we count the instructors in, several countries this year: Japan, Bulgaria, Denmark, Holland and Norway. The time between the training sessions was often used to exchange training tips and to get information of other camps, tournaments or just command things. All this leads to better cooperation and to further development.The Danish Summer Camp 2014, a strong Danish Camp with great Japanese and Bulgarian inspiration!
-from Norway