Danish Open 2013


Danish Open 14th September 2013.

The Danish Karate Organisation arranges the Danish Open Knock Down Karate tournament.
The tournament is held every other year, and is probably the oldst and most traditional knock down tournament in Europe




The venue is Korsgadehallen, Korsgade 29, 2200 Copenhagen N

Plan for the day:

  • 10.00: The venue opens for fighters
  • 10.30: The venue opens for spectators
  • 11.00: Short opening ceremony
  • 11.15: First fights
  • 16.00: Finals

The Danish Karate Organisation arranges the Danish Open Knock Down Karate tournament.
The tournament is held every other year, and is probably the oldst and most traditional knock down tournament in Europe.

The tournament will take place in Korsgadehallen, in the center of Nørrebro – close to cafés, shopping, public transport etc.

The previous years have given us some great fight of high quality. The top European fighters attend this tournament, and both kyokushin fighters, ashihara fighters as well as other styles have be represented at the tournament.

The following protection is mandatory:

  • shinpads
  • groin protection
  • breast protection, cup type (only for women)

The fighting will be done after EKO rules, which simplified means:

  • Full contact to body and legs.
  • Full contact kicking to the head is allowed
  • Punching the head is NOT allowed
  • Attacks at spine, groin, neck NOT allowed.
  • Grabbing NOT allowed

The fighting time will be 3 min and if nessesary extensions: 2 min., 2 min., weight , 2 min.
Tamashewari (the breaking of boards) will not be done at Danish Open 2013.

Danish Open info : kyokushin.dk