Danish fight camp 2017 – ref

A sure sign of spring is the annual Danish fight camp. For the past 17 years Danish Karate Shinkyokushin union has really created something very valuable, not only for themselves but also for the environment around them and all who participate.

2017dancamp – KopiThis year’s camp was with elite fighter Nazar Nasirov, Russia, and collected around 150 participants through the weekend! The man in lead of it all Mathias Davidoff Halberg Sensei , with his crew..

In one month the European Championship Shinkyokushin will be held in Denmark. And it would be safe to say that this years camp had some impact of that. National team members of Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, France and Norway. And as usually our friends from Ashihara Karate Denmark, and this time also from Latvia!


 17156089_1380673992007556_6510783338921732694_nMathias Halberg and his team have made this camp what it is today. The camp can offer some of the things that is really needed in the North, where the small countries have less full contact karate fighters than for an example in the Eastern Europe countries. Bringing in top level instructors as Nazar Nasirov this year really does attract people. But we would like to say that the factor that really gives the “full package” is the people that attend, and how the camp culture is build up.

Nazar Nasirov,Russia is one of the strongest fighters in the world. Winning some of the hardest tournaments in 2016 was a strong following up from 2015 when he reached sixth place in the 11th World Championship and received technical award as well.

Through the camp Nasirov showed several ways to execute different techniques, attacks,counters and way to move in a always wining position. The participants did also get some insight of how a warm up session could be mixed with use av technique, and how a natural use of this would build up your stamina. Training systems containing very systematic setup, and always work on technique from the right / left, forward and backward, and so on.

Come as you are..

The sparring sessions are always a highlight at this camp, and this year no exception. The level is very good, the technical exchange one gets of very great value. And not to speak about what we learn to adapt. So many incredibly talented performers, with their own style and way of fighting. And most of all, how everybody really help each other out. Of course that is the way it should be, but the attitude at this camp is really great. This means that more than the best skilled fighters join the camp. From up and coming young fighters, to older seniors with bad knees. Everybody will bring something home for their use, in their possession. -and for sure, they will be back next year!

Norwegians at this years camp,

Swedish Karatekas,