Danish EC team welcomes you to Denmark!

dku_LogoDenmark will soon be the host of this years European Championship Shinkyokushin. Last time Denmark stood as the organizer of the European Championship would be in 2005, and at that time they manage to take 4 medals in the men`s category and 3 in the women`s category! The Danish team will be a good mix of routine and young blood – will the manage to repeat the strong results from last time?!

chrisIIKristoffer Madsen.

Up and coming young fighter and at a national top level in Denmark. National champion of Denmark in the lightweight division. Representing Denmark in the U22 European Championship in Bulgaria 2016, advanced in to the 2nd round and made a good impression. Also representing Denmark in U22 2015, Poland, where he fought the champion of the category. Been training and competing in Japan. He will compete in the minus 75 kg category in the European Championship,in front of his own crowd.


Celilie Trier.cecilie

Also one of the younger fighter from the Danish team. National champion as well, and do also have international experience. Fought in the Swedish Open and the Norwegian Cup last year among others. Recently spent six weeks in the homeland of karate, Japan, and trained i several Dojo`s. In this period the training was together with some of the best fighters in the world, as Maeda brother so names some names. She possesses high pace fighting in a driving fight-style that always will be demanding to face.

Alexandra Vulevic.Swedish Open_20120915_0781 - Kopi

Fighting in the minus 60 kg category,  Vulevic will be a strong home-fighter at this European Championship. Been fighting for many years, and with national and international merits to prove it. Danish Champion. Been on the podium in several international tournaments, as in Swedish Open (runner up in 2012) Danish Open (runner up in 2008)  After a couple year off from fighting, the comeback was a fact in the BAYEUX OPEN INTERNATIONAL 2016. Not only did she take the tittle, she was also awarded the best fighter in the tournament. Well experienced fighter, with dangerous kicks to the head.

caroline_dCaroline Alexa.

In the heavyweight category for women the Danish team got two strong and well merited fighters. Caroline Alexa have with her movable fight-style manage to climb her way up to the European Championship U22 podium. Last year in the U22 European championship in Bulgaria Alexa manage to capture the third place! The same place was capture earlier on, in the Swedish Open. The same spring (2016) Alexa represented Denmark in the European Championship in Georgia. Caroline Alexa will be a force to recon with in Denmark, time will show how far it will go!

Christine Buchholtz.Christine

Buchholtz have not only reached the EC podium she has been on the top of it! European Champion U22 and technical award at the same time. Buchholtz also reached 3rd place in the European Championship in 2013. Runner up i Swedish Open 2014, in a extreme even fight. Winning the BAYEUX OPEN INTERNATIONAL 2014 late in the year, and about two year later she once again takes the same tittle  – after a break from competing of two year. Back on the tatemi we can expect a strong fighter, good movement kicks paired with great spirit!

JulianJulian Daugbjerg Bjerrekær.

All round fight style combined with a good understanding of the fight. Moving well and do also possess technique and power to end the fight before full time. Did a very strong Swedish Open tournament in 2016, in his heavyweight debut. Reached the final and ended second after a great performance. Runner up in Danish Open the year before that, but then he fought in the middleweight category. Bjerrekær has been representing Denmark several times, in the U22 European Championship among others. Highly skilled despite his young age,and maintains a always the calm even in stressful situations.

Michael Meineche.Michael

Meineche has been a national team member for many years, and he has represented Denmark in several occasions. He has been fighting in the European Championship and even in the World Championship in Japan. Danish Champion in the middleweight, and also winner of the Danish Open in the same category. Michael Meineche possesses a level that have brought him into next rounds in the major tournaments. As in the European Championship and World Tournaments. Also he is a good all round fighter, with a good understanding of the fight, and what is going to happen.

fady14Fady Kamal Ali Allan.

Faddy have some of the most unique kicking-skills in the game. His kicks and reach of distance will always be a challenge for anyone who face him. Have a own style that always will be interesting, and whit out doubt he have the tools to end fights fast. Have Been Danish Open champion, and also been at the U22 European Championship podium, 3rd place. Did a very strong Open de Bayeux 2014, that made many turn their heads, and it is expected that he will climb higher in to the rankings during the senior European Championship. -but will it be this time? We think it will be, and the home fighter will be interesting to follow!

Brian Jakobsen.

Jakobsen well known for top level WC2013 (20) - Kopifighting for many years. Being one of the top fighters in the world, and been fighting in 5(?) World Championships, 5th place at thee best, and chosen as the technical award winner, taken the Tameshiwari Award twice. In the European championships, he has been on the podium six times, first time in 2005 – last time the Danish Union organized EC. Jakobsen possesses a slick style of fighting, and he`s technical and tactical way to move forward in the tournaments are impressive.

We believe that the Danish team are very well prepared, and that they will fight better than ever – on home soil. Highly skilled trainer are behind the team as Benno Rasmussen, Mathias Halberg and more. But we know also that the level of Shinkyokushin European Championship are at a very high level. We are counting down..