Finals of the year 2018 – Inspirations…

As in the previous article we will look at some of the finals held in 2018. This time it is directed against women classes and some of the athletes who have been prominent there. As in the men’s division, unfortunately we could not get as many we wish. World Championships and European Championships – just a little peak  “top of the iceberg” after a very active year in every possible way. (Photos by Chalita ⇓ )

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Finals of the year 2018 – Inspirations..

We have witnessed an incredibly strong year when it comes to athletic performance. A good mix of unexpected and expected results has been seen, and there is no doubt that developments in full contact Karate are moving on.

On general basis,the most of us have lost count of different kind of world championships,countless EC’s etc, and it continues to pop up. But no doubt that those who focus on the right things, in the right order with patience, keeps stability, develops and grows.

Looking forward into 2019, one can only wait with excitements to follow the further development of full contact Karate!

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Shinkyokushin Kazakhstan – top class again!

Mention several times before, one of the occasion was at the 17th All Asia Shinkyokushin Championship held two months ago. This time it was participating in the KWF World Championship held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The top spots in the tournament was mainly shared among Japan and Kazakhstan. Most of the top spots fell to other organizations, only in the women’s category did the host manage to capture some top spots.

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Dimitar Trampov, Bulgaria

Fighting for over thirty year, and fighting among the top level for so long – that alone will put Trampov in a “division” for himself. Being on the European podium more or less in a ten year period, facing the absolute best – well that has been written before, but still going strong thirty year after? To be capable of doing so, one do realize that this is beyond the ordinary. Technique, understanding, and a true spirit. Making a strong figure in World Championships, being the oldest competitor in 2015 – passes his 4th Dan test few days after.

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Swedish Open 2018 – It`s on!

The 7th edition of Swedish Open will be held this September, and for sure the this is a “must go” event! All that has been at this tournament know the very high standard in total.

Remember it is three categories for men and two for women – and note: ONLY 16 fighters limits in each category, held every other year – so if you`r to late it will be two years to the next time. We know that signing up has begun, and besides that Sweden got their own top fighters the tournament will have top European fighting standard!!

For information: Official website and direct link to registration.

A unofficial teaser from previous years, old posters, clips wrapped in a summer theme!


This is Karate

“This is Karate” two “old” videos that show Karate. One likes the wrapping and the atmosphere that these two videos have – and not least the content. Knock out collections are often seen on youtube, and there are knock outs here too. But one feels that there are also many clips that contain the essence that one seeks in the execution of a technique. Accuracy, timing, speed, power. And perhaps what should impress most: the effectiveness of a properly executed technique that is not performed spectacularly with jumps, scrolls and acrobatic touches.

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Kunihiro Suzuki in 1st All Kanto Karatedo Championships

(Picture from WC 2013 Kunihiro Suzuki vs Brian Jakobsen)

Nicholas Pettas, Tatsuya Iwasaki, Kunihiro Suzuki,Hajime Kazumi – and more in this classic tournament where we can follow the fights of the to finalists..

Kunihiro Suzuki – one of the icons in Kyokushin Full-Contact Karate World. A true fighter in a depth than the most of us only can dream of. One of the persons that has given proof of that it is more important to participate and give it all – than being measured only by your number in the tournament.

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