Edgard Sečinski, Lithuania

Edgard_SecinskiEdgard Sečinski, Lithuania.

One of the profiles from the Lithuanian national team, and one of the best fighter in the light heavyweight in Europe. With accurate punching and lethal high knees, Sečinski will always be a challenge to face. 7th place in the World Championship 2015 and top 16 in 2019 3rd in The 1st International Fullcontact Karate Championship WFKO 2018. Multiply EC Shin Champion and World Champion KWU 2017

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Makoto Nakamura, double World Champion!

makoto_nakamura2Makoto Nakamura, Japan. Nakamura with his strength and speed manage to capture the World Championship tittle, not once but twice!

And not to forget a record in The All Japan Open being among the top three fighters five years a row. We bring you a video from The 3rd all Karate World Championship 1973, and training towards the tournament.


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2nd KWU World Championship review – It’s time to get united – at the schedule!

1424112167_afisha – KopiThe 2nd KWU World Tournament are history, and through the tournament many good impressions was done. The tournament was promoted with a bigger hype than before, and with a glorified setting that all parts should be united. The very first thing to do is to unite the schedule for the various partners that work together – if one really believe that this should be an overall World Championship. We have to be honest, and for the last years it has been common to join each others tournaments. With this angle we only have another new WT. All the organizations that was attended at the KWU have their own WT, and that will always be the main goal. And when the tournament are held close to other WT and big tournaments, it will hardy reach the height that we all dream of. So its time to get united – at the schedule..

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European Open Szolnok Cup, videos full draw

2015_hungarycupLast weekend we witnessed a very high level tournament in Hungary, European Open Szolnok Cup 2015. The best fighters of Europe faced the best fighters from Russia and Kazakhstan, and that was a great setting…

As previously mentioned, there was great excitement since several of the profiles had switch from their regular weight classes and participated in a heavier class than usual….

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We introduce….

11th_wt_poster – Kopi

The upcoming 11th World Championship is only 2 month away, and with many fighters and profiles, we are going to take a look at some of them. First out we will start with a strong team,taken from the women division. Russia, profiles and videos to follow..


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Unique old video clip of Oyama Sosai, Shichinohe, Korusava, Midori, Matsui, Ogasawara!

Sosai_Masutatsu_OyamaFirst of all: we are all very grateful that these unique clips being uploaded on youtube and shared with all who practice Kyokushin karate and all others who have an interest in it. Big thanks and Osu to kyokushin karate.

It is also difficult for us to understand how much work these people have done in the name of Karate, promotee this out to others, spreading Kyokushin around the world. And how many have not these people motivated to practice and live by Kyokushinkai its life.


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