JFKO All Japan Open – finals!

This years All Japan Open, The 4th All Japan Open weight categories – Japan Full-Contact Karate Organisation – JFKO was held in May. With some of the Shinkyokushin profiles aimed for the 6th Word Championship, and with stronger impact from other full contact organizations – the results changed Significantly from previous years, and for many several new profiles stood up with great skills and spirit!

Syota Yamaguchi ,Byakuren-Kaikan.

Winner of Super heavyweight category 4th JFKO.

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Sara Hägge, Sweden

sara_HaggeSara Hägge, Sweden.

An excellent example of what it means to never give up in order to reach one’s goals. Many times received The spirit Award for her huge fighting-heart. Handles every technical aspect, have fought against the best.Has won several Open tournaments as Scottish, Swedish, Danish. Branko Memorial and taken step by step up to the European top. Two times 2nd and one champion (2018) The Diamond Cup, 3rd place in EC 2016, European Champion 2017.

Photo by Annika Peterson  (website)

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Russian Top Level – Videos!

russisk_flagg-Kopi11All Russia Championship in Weight Categories was held i December 2016. The level of the Russian fighters, their level is very good,and in Europe it is very interesting to follow – since they do not have them in the EC. And not least now that we are up to this summer’s World Championships in weight classes. And many thinks that Russia will enter with some of the favorites..

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Women Finals of the year 2016 – Inspirations..

swedish-open_20120915_0711-kopiAs the previous article we will look at some of the finals held in 2016. This time it is directed against women classes and some of the athletes who have been prominent there. As in the men’s division, unfortunately we could not get as many we wish. But an excerpt from the same tournament we had the article about men’s classes. The fighting style evolves and there is no doubt that there has never been higher level level than now.

It is also more and more fighting across the organisations borders, and that gives an extra excitements in to it.

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Finals of the year 2016 – Inspirations..

steffen_haukedalen-kopiThrough this year there have been a number of championships and tournaments. Although some had a quieter year as a result of the World Championship last year in 2015, but most fighters held a massive press on the competition front.Whose performance is the strongest this year? It is almost impossible to crown, but we will take a look at some of the highlights – finals. Mainly we have picked EC, EC Open Weigh, All Japan Open in some different organizations and weight categories.

Fighters of the world – you are our inspiration. 

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Valdemaras Gudauskas, Lithuania

valdemaras-gudauskasValdemaras Gudauskas, Lithuania

went through the U-22 EC tournaments with a blast, winning the tittle 2012, 2013 and in 2014. He continued his strong aggressive fighting entering the EC podium for seniors, also in 2014 (3rd place) Advancing the next years, and being European Champion in 2015/16/17. Also chosen to represent Lithuania in the 5th World Cup in 2013, and at the World Tournament in 2015, where he advanced to the 4th round. We believe this is just the beginning..

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Kenbu Iriki, Japan

11335675846_dd34f692b6_z-kopi2nd in the 11th World Championship, and winner of The 1st International Fullcontact Karate Championship in 2018. Strong tournament fighter, and systematic tear down his opponents with heavy low kicks. All Japan Open champion and podium placed several times. Also the JFKO Champion – 3rd All Japan weight Category in 2016. Winner of the Mas Oyama Memorial in Hungary 2014. Runner up in World Championship Weight categories in 2017. 52nd All japan Open Champion.

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Kunihiro Suzuki – once again!

33th-kopi-2Last month the 33rd Tohoku Championship was held in Japan. Last year about same time of the year as now, we read that the winner of the 32nd Tohoku Championship was Kunihiro Suzuki – and the fans all over the world cheered it greatly!

Now once again the 8th World World Champion has stepped up on the tatemi to challenge him selves and others

…videos to follow..


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