As in the previous article we will look at some of the finals held in 2017. This time it is directed against women classes and some of the athletes who have been prominent there. As in the men’s division, unfortunately we could not get as many we wish. World Championships, European Championships, Open tournaments – it`s all there!
Category Archives: Videos
Finals of the year 2017 – Inspirations..
Once again a very active year has been completed, and World Tournaments, European tournaments, open`s have been organized, and held all over the world. It is sad to confess that one can not see every tournament!! Some many skilled athletes and competitors with unbelievable hard work. We have tried to pick some of the fights that we will give some extra attention..The first session from men`s divisions. And the point is to pick fight from around the world and tournaments, mostly the biggest one.
LIVE Kokoro Cup 10, 2017
Going the distance – that`s a highlight!
We brought together some videos of various fights that we like to watch. We can already tell you that there will be no knock out`s – maybe a waza-ari or two, but no K.O. To be frank we get a little bit tired from time to time of all the “best of” collections with half the time of the videos we actually are looking on unconscious people. We choose to set this a bit on the edge, of course, but the point is, there’s so much more in a very good and hard fight than “just” decision on who will win the fight.
Anatolii Zhuravel, Ukraine
A very interesting young fighter with good all round skills, aggressive strong style combined with good techniques and combinations – and proven several times capacity to end fights before full time. Fresh off a solid win in the Szolnok European Cup 2017, being double EC-22 Champions 2015/16. Runner up in the KWU EC in 2016, and made a very strong impression in the 11th World Championship in 2015, when he made it to the second day beating Japanese top fighter Kazuya Yamamoto among others.
Európa Open Szolnok Cup, Hungary 2017 – videos
Videos from the Európa Open Szolnok Cup, Hungary 2017
Full Contact Video Time…!
It`s holiday time, and we like to share some good fights to watch. Maybe not all of the fights are well known, but the fighters in the videos are!
World Weight finals 2001-2017
With the 6th World Championship Weight categories (former known as the World Cup) still in mind, and as the official videos released now as we speak – we would like to take a look at the previous editions. And for this occasion we have dug up finals from the 2nd edition and up to now. Initially we have mainly picked up the heavyweight class,except from 2001, Hungary where all the finals for the men are included. Plus Midori Kenji Shihan and Howard Collins Shihan have both demonstrations with kata and breaking.
Beyond the victory?
In competition – or after it, we always get the question how did it go. The answer we give will the most of the time be based on the results regarding to what place we ended at. And this without thinking of that we maybe fought our best fight against the winner of the tournament for an example. Is it so that it is just a romantic cliché: “The most important thing is not to win, but to participate”