The 7th World Karate Championships – countdown!

Women + 60 kg category – seventeen fighters from eleven nation. The heaviest category in the women division have three world champions among the fighters in the line up, and now we will get another one! This category, in this championship with this line up, will give the value of this world tittle sky-high.

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The 7th World Karate Championships – countdown!

Men Middleweight -75 kg category with many profiles from different regions. Japan, Europe and Central Asia have some very highly merited fighters in this category. In this category one must be ready for top fight in the first round already. This is an example when one have a championship with only qualified fighter in the line up – the fuse are lit..

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All round support in 6th IFK World Championship 2022

IFK holds its World championship in early June, 4-5th. The war in Ukraine stops Russia as participants. This means that the Russian dominance that has been the trademark of IFK event don’t kick in this time. IFK with a good all round support from several organizations makes the World Championship happen in Valencia, Spain for the 2nd time in twenty years, the 2nd edition was also held in Valencia, 2002.

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NKO deltar i IFK VM

4-5. Juni deltar NKO og andre norske i IFK VM, avholdt i Spania. Normalt sett er nivået i dette VM skyhøyt, men grunnet krigen i Ukraina – full boikott av alle Russiske utøvere, ender det opp med et VM – snudd på hodet. I lys av dette, så kan det faktisk vanke norske medaljer.

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