A view of the complete results with full draw can be seen at the official website for European Championship Shinkyokushinkai 2016, U16,U22 Open weight and kata results.
Category Archives: Steffens corner
EC Open weight – LIVE!
Summer holiday – keep updated!
Now it is time for a holiday, and once again the trip will go to Japan! Due the time in Japan I will also take time off regarding to update this website. But as you all ready know, the place to go to get the latest info, the right info and of course the fun: nadin4eblog.com – and also keep an eye on the registering in the Swedish Open 2016 (and yes new fighters are been recently added)
All the best to you and your!
Region Øst – hektisk sesongavslutning!
Det er alltid mye som skjer i region Øst, og siste innspurt på vårtermin 2016 intet untak..
Klubbene har sine respektive graderinger, men i tillegg til dette er det også samkjøring som den regionale graderingen som ble avholdt Horten i år. Samt en tilsvarende i Oslo, men da på lavere grader. Paralellt med dette går treningsutveksling som bare det, for sesongen er ikke riktig over ennå, sommerleir står for tur og også der er det noen som skal prøve seg opp mot nye grader.
Fighting Seminar 2016
Mushin Challenge 2016 – Fightcard
Mushin Challenge 2016
5.mars 2016 er det klart for 11. utgaven av Mushin Challenge på Ringerike!
Mer info kommer etterhvert,og enn så lenge er det bare å legge seg i trening og kikke på hva Mushin Challenge gav i 2015!
Happy New Year! First of all I want to thank every one who from time to time use some of your free time to visit this web site. During a busy year it has been a reduced up dates on the web. But the main goal is to update with some thing that is relevant stuff to full contact karate. And also try to point out some that not necessarily are those who always gets the most attention, but who deserve it. For it is not only many who deserve attention, but everyone! Finding inspiration in many people around the world, and most of all the people around me.
All he best to all of you! Osu!
Kunihiro Suzuki – Winner of The 32nd Tohoku Tournament
Kunihiro Suzuki Sensei never rest!
One of the most merited fighters we have, and a great Budo role model – Kunihiro Suzuki Sensei never seems to rest!
Winning the 32nd Tohoku Tournament impresses us all!
The 32nd Tohoku Tournament
1st place: Kunihiro Suzuki
2nd place : Masayuki Suzuki
3rd place: Yuto Iriki
4th place Naoki Hashimoto