The German winter camp in recent years built a respectable reputation and everyone knows the quality is among the very best.
Midori Kenji Shihan, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei, Roman Nesterenko Senseii, Muzaffer Bacak Sensei…pictures, videos
The German winter camp in recent years built a respectable reputation and everyone knows the quality is among the very best.
Midori Kenji Shihan, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei, Roman Nesterenko Senseii, Muzaffer Bacak Sensei…pictures, videos
Human hands evolved so that men could make fists and fight, and not just for manual dexterity, new research finds.
Sdkfnslkdfnsl k fls kjfl
First of all, I would like to start my message by expressing my appreciation to all of you for your dedication and hard work for our organization. There are only two months left in the year, and I imagine all of us are quite busy with various duties and events.
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Swedish top fighter throught the last years, Jimmie Collin..
Jimmie Collin
Mazovia Open 2010
Collin has recently been among the best in the middle weight sets at European scale.And when European standards are top in the world there is a strong level you are talking about. Most people who have seen him fight has been impressed by his calmand cool fighting style. Many battles have been quickly settled, after a well-placed technique. For example, a knee to the head.. Collin has for many years, slowly but surely expanded the circle to end up on the world arena. He has met with the very best such as Valeri Dimitrov, Marius Ilas to name a few. During the World Cup in 2009, Jimmie Collin possibly one of the better performances he has had. Just to qualify for World Cup requires a lot.