The 35th Easter Camp in Sweden

This is the 35th Easter Camp in Östersund. A long tradition for Kyokushin Karate in Sweden and now even for Scandinavia. Students and teachers from Denmark, Norway, Baltic States, USA and even Japan as guests.

Well known Shihans of Sweden has been building up the camp for all this years, and with Shihan Håkan Nygren, Shihan Howard Collins and Shihan Michael Söderkvist in the lead, this success is understandably.

This year theme of the camp: Ningen Keisei

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NKO Sommerleir 2008 – 2018

Sist sommer, i 2017 var det egentlig ti års jubileum for NKO Shinkyokushin Norge. På sommerleiren 2007, Moi ble NKO etablert, og etter et år med prøvetid ble man tatt opp i WKO. Selv om man ble etablert i 2007, ble det året etter som mange følte var startskuddet. Da først fikk man en en retning om hvordan dette kunne bli. Den sommerleiren kom selveste Kenji Midori Shihan på besøk pluss Shihan Brian Fitkin.

2008 ble startskudd for NKO hvor man fort innså at man nå tilhørte noe langt større, og til de grader inkluderende.

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Camp Banzai 2018

Camp Banzai Gothenburg,Sweden 2018.

Once again the Banzai Camp calls in the absolute top instructors! This years camp will give you Valeri Dimitrov and Sensei Dimitar Trampov from Bulgaria. It would surprise us If there is someone who do not know of these two icons in the full contact Karate world! This will – in the combination with the eminent host Banzai, be a MUST BE THERE event!

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Karate Dream Festival 2018

In the Karate Dream Festival, all generations from juniors to seniors will compete in this tournament to fulfill their dreams. As the name tells you, WKO hope that this tournament will become an event filled with hope and dreams.

Tokyo Gymnasium on June 23-24, 2018

The Dream Festival (earlier the Dream Cup)really inspire in the way it works. More and more participants find their way in to the event, and if we remember back around 2008, the tournament had about 1000 participants. And at that time it was also a very big event!

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Spring Camp Hungary 2018!

A full-paced Spring Camp in Hungary organized by Shihan József Stefanovics, packed with top Hungarian fighters and topped with the greatest fighter in modern time, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei, Bulgaria.

Victory Gym, Hungary 29th March – 1st April.

Also attending at the camp, top Hungarian fighters:

  • Sensei Gábor Búzás, 3.dan,
  • Senpai  Zsolt Balogh 2.dan,
  • Senpai  Krisztián Pető 2. dan,
  • Senpai  Lídia Körmöndi 2.dan.

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Holiday and Swedish Shinkyokushin 2018

It’s time to plan this summer’s summer vacation – and no summer without Kyokushin! Many combine vacation and exercise, and here we have a very good Swedish feature that takes care of both. Once again this event are being organized by Sensei Mikael Andersson, Sweden. The camp are not held in Sweden, but in Croatia, Bol. Three days camp 27-29th June. Jimmie Collin Sempai will alos attend as an instructor – as before!

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