The 16th Greek summer cam with Shihan Cyril Andrews ( and FB ) as the main instructor. Top instructors from Greece was also at the camp and made a summer camp to remember. See video of the camp..
Category Archives: Seminars
One month to kick off!
In just under a month, Sensei Valeri Dimitrov will lead the Norwegian Kick Off Camp in Horten. There are all ready participants from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and more will come now when the vacation ends….
Ferie samling på Ringerike!
Sommeren er ferie, det er altfor få varme dager i året til at man kan unlate seg dette. Men når det er sagt, så er det selvsagt muligheter til å gjøre noe sammen – om man ikke ferierer borte. Lørdag 27. Juli på Sosai Oyamas fødesdag ,samlet en gjeng med “happy Kyokushin Campers” på Ringerike for å dyrke sin felles interesse..
Collin/Hanssen & Scenge/Polacsek
Don`t miss top European fighters and their coaches in Poland! 24th and 25th August Sweden and Hungary will join forces in Poland, provide their experience on to those who may come.
«In the Martial Arts, Introspection Begets Wisdom»
«In the Martial Arts, Introspection Begets Wisdom» Shihan Howard Collins with seminar in Bergen, Norway. 13-14 September 2013.
Fana Karateklubb inviterer alle medlemmer av Norges Kampsportforbund til treningssamling med Shihan Howard Collins, 7. Dan i våre lokaler, Kokstadflaten 30. Teknisk arrangør er Fana Karateklubb.
Shin Norway Summer camp – in pictures
One week ago we finished the Norwegian Summer camp 2013. Here you can see the pictures from the Summer Camp.
<– Shihan Söderkvist with black belts showing various techniques at the highest level.
Nicholas Pettas Sensei Camp in Poland 2013
Sommerleir 2013 – Oppsummering –
Nok en sommerleir er over, og det er tid for en aldri så liten oppsummering. Sommerleir er nok et av de mest tradisjonelle arrangement som er av trenigssamlinger.Dette er også en arena hvor man møter hele landet såvel som utenlandske utøvere og instruktører. NKO / Shinkyokushin Norge avholdt sin leir på Moi, som er stedet for NKO sin dannelse i 2007. Den gangen var ønsket sterk om å stake ut en retning som ville gi en dypere,og mer forståelse med Kyokushin Karaten…
Norwegian Summer Camp -update day 2-
This years summer camp is over, and the time just flew away – which is common when people feel good. Good and varied training by top instructors, as well as seminars with first aid, about people and development, coaching.
The origin of Karate and Bushido, new training methods and of course all the technical and basics Kyokushin Karate we train in a summer camp.
Hungarian Summer Camp coming up!
From 2nd July to 7th July the Hungarian Summer Camp will be held. With top instructors from Hungary, together with Hungarian top athletes in world class this event will be very good. And on top of this the camp will also have Japanese visitors..