Master Class, Oradea, Romania 6-8 Feb 2015

Federatia Română de Karate Kyokushin, invites international Kumite seminar in Oradea, Romania the 6-8. February. This year eminent instructors are Magnus Hanssen Sensei and Jimmie Collin Sempai from Sweden.2015MC - KopiThis is well-known names for all who practice Kyokushin Karate, and you can not afford to miss this. Jimmie is Sweden top fighter in middle weight and Marius Ilas is Romania’s top performer in the same weight class. And the have met several times on the tatemi. These two karateka are role models on how Budo attitudes practiced. Behind them, significant profiles, Wallmen Sensei and Hanssen Sensei. Both unique in their roles, and lifts the level around them wherever they may be.

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“FULL CONTACT KARATE CAMP 2015” Belgium/Netherlands

fckc2015This Full Contact Karate camp will be a collaboration between All Full Contact Karate styles and Organizations in the true spirit of Budo.The meaning is to train and to work together with great spirit and strong friendship.  The FCKC will be held on Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and sunday 7th June 2015 In Hotel “De Kinkhoorn, Zeedijk 292, Oostende (seaside Belgium)

Special Guest will be the President of the Japan Full Contact Karate Organization Shihan “Kenji Midori” .

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Shihan Collins seminar 2015

howard1978Once again celeber guest in Norway, Bergen, Fana. 13 and 14 March visiting Shihan Howard Collins Fana Karate club once again. Do not miss this, because this will bring you further, and in the right direction of Karate`s infinite way. whatever level you are at, and whatever assumptions – be there.

Fana Karateklubb inviterer nok en gang til seminar med Shihan Collins. Benytt deg av muligheten å få trene under en av de virkelige store Kyokushin pionerer.




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Gradering Ringerike KK

Som vanlig er desember gradering`s 2014RKK_grad (14) - Kopitid for de fleste Karateklubbene rundt om. Og Ringerike KK er intet unntak. Under årets gradering var Sensei Erik A Helin, leder av faglig råd hentet inn som ekstern sensor. Årets gradering hadde også flere nye elementer på selve testingen, noe som ga langt dypere teknisk fokus..


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Danish Fight Camp 2015

2013_Valeri_wc_Ringerike (27) - KopiThe Danish camp is known to all who train Kyokushin. The camp keeps a very good level in every way. Instructor, participants and not least the organizational part is very good. The camp in 2015, the sixteenth in a row that are held. And on top of everything, the 2015 camp be guested with one of the best Kyokushin performers, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei from Bulgaria.

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Treningsleir – Fana Karateklubb 14/15 November

2014FANA_camp (3) - KopiEtter mye om og men var det endelig klart for en treningsleir i Fana KK med besøk fra Ringerike KK. FKK og RKK har fått en sterk relasjon med at unge utøvere fra vest har end opp på øst landet ift utdanning – og dermed koblet opp med RKK. Målet var å få til en samling i Fana, men begge parter har en særdeles tettpakket terminliste, så det var lettere sagt enn gjort, men 14-15. November var det klart for samling!!

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