The Polish Federation Karate Shinkyokushin invites to the summer camp of 2015. This years summer camp can offer the very best of Shinkyokushin instructors. Romanian top Sensei`s with Anca Wallmen, Harris Wallmen and Marius Ilas, they will share their eminent knowledge to all who participate.
Category Archives: Seminars
Romanian Summer camp 2015
Skandinavisk Ungdoms & Junior squad 2015
19-20 September, Donsö, Göteborg, Sweden! Til ale som har lyst til å lære om fighting, enten det er for å konkurrere eller for å bli bedre i kamp til Dojo bruk.
Leiren vil ha Svenske, Danske og Norske instruktører.
Graderinger i Region Øst
Som en naturlig avslutning i terminen er det graderinger som blir det siste man gjør i klubben – som regel. Slik har det vært i Region Øst og Fredriksdad, Horten, Færder og Ringerike har avholdt graderinger, og om alltid er det massivt sammen arbeid når det kommer til avvikling og “sparringshjelp”
Bulgarian Summer-Camp 2015
Shinkyokushinkai Bulgaria summer-camp 2015. From the 30th June to 4th July, you will have the possibility to train with some of the best. Shinkyokushin Bulgaria have a well known high level, and crown with three class instructors this is a camp you don`t want to miss! Click poster for more info ↓ (Note: this is not the official poster..)
Shinkyokushin elite gathered in Hungary
This weekend a training seminar in Hungary was organized. With Valeri Dimitrov Sensei as instructor, one can be assured that this applies to top level in fighting. ↓Some of the best in Europe, from left: Horpácsik György Sensei, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei. Marius Ilas Sensei and Sensei József Stefanovic, Hungary.
Hungary for its part is also a nation with many very good fighters, and the seminar organized by Sensei József Stefanovic, tells that also Hungary stands for top level. If this not to impress you, was also Romania attended and with several of their best fighters, with among others Marius Ilas Sensei…!
Danish Summer camp 2015
June 26 – June 29 2015, Denmark. The danish Summer camp brought to you by the Danish Karate Union – Shinkyokushin. The Danish Camps has always been at the highest quality, and this year will be no exception!
Guest instructors this year:
- Shihan Brian Fitkin 7th Dan
- Shiihan Camillla Bolin 5th Dan
- Sempai Czepesi Csenge 1st Dan
And of course the Danish top instructors!
Go`værs Samling Horten 23.mai!
Samling i Horten 23. Mai
Som en oppfølger til samlingen som ble avholdt på Færder 2.mai, avholdes det samling i Horten 23.mai. Dette med å komme sammen og trene, lære av hverandre løfter nivået og ikke minst motivasjonen. Tema blir siktet i mot kamp, men også et godt fokus på hvordan man trener kamp…
Video teaser: Valeri Dimitrov seminar
Valeri Dimitrov seminar in Budapest. As previously known, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei hold training seminars in Hungary this summer. Anyone who knows this is tempted to join immediately, and if possible, a video teaser help further!
The seminar is organized by Shinkyokushin Hungary with Shihan Dr. Karmazin György 5.dan
and Sensei Stefanovics József 4.dan
←Dimitrov Sensei 5th World Cup 2013