German Winter-camp 2017

2017_wc_germany-kopiFor the 13th time the German Winter camp will be held in 2017, and once again the Camp can offer a top star of the Shinkyokushin family – reign World Champion Szepesi Csenge, Hungary. Winning the European Championship the last four times – and recently going through the 40th British Open heavyweight, winning the tournament in a convincing way.

Keep the calendar open for this camp in 2017, The Camp will be held on the first weekend of February.


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Danish Winter-camp 2017

dku_2017-kopiThe danish Winter-camp will be held 27th – 29th January, 2017. The Danish Winter-camp have great tradition and also known for hiring in the top instructors of the world. Some names from earlier camp Lukas Kubillius, Kunihiro Suzuki and Szepesi Csenge. Keep the date booked in your calendar for 2017!

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Hungarian Elite Camp 2017

In the tournament setting, it has never been harder and as demanding as it is today. Every nation, team and fighter are reaching long to keep up, and maybe get ahead of the rest. The Hungarian national Team presses their action, and in their Elite camp in 2017 – there are not less than five top fighters of the world to share of their experience..

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Big names ready for 2017!

swiss2017-kopiWith 3/4 of a year to go, the Swiss Shinkyokushin Organization present big names at their summer camp for 2017! No other than the reign World Champion from Japan, Yuji Shimamoto will be the top name – but that is not enough – Lithuanian top fighter for many years, European Champion, and 3rd at the last Worlld Championship 2015 – Lukas Kubilius, Lithuania.

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Danish Fight Camp 2017!

nazarovFighting Seminar 2017!

For the past 17 years we have held this Fighting seminar. The focus is on all aspect of Shinkyokushin kumite. Everything from sparring, technique and stamina. The camp is a fantastic preperation for tournaments, gradings or just for self-development.

This year’s guest instructor will be Nazar Nasirov from Russia.
His merits speak for themselves:
6th place in the World Championship 2015, and Technical Award. Winning the Russian Open weight 2016, defeating the best of Russian fighters across organizations and weight.

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Winter Camp Germany 2017

2017_wintercamp_germanyIn good tradition the German Winter Camp will be held early in the year 2017. The Camp has been offering some of the absolute top instructors we have in the world. Midori Kenji Shihan, Howard Collins Shihan, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei, Norichika Tsukamoto Sensei, Roman Nesterenko Sensei and Germany`s own  Muzaffer Bacak Sensei – to name a few…

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Emi Shoguchi, Seminar Poland 2016

seminarium_e-shoguci_4-3_smallThe 10th World Champion, and many times All Japan Open Champion Emi Shoguchi, Japan will be the main instructor during a seminar in Poland the 5th and 6th of November, 2016. The event is organized by Shihan Tomasz Basiak. Last date to enter the seminar will be 20th of October. The seminar will offer Kata and Kumite.

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Shihan Collins to Norway

shihan_collins1-215x300«We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm, unshaking spirit”

Shihans Howard Collins 8th Dan will once again visit Fana Karateclub, Bergen, Norway! The seminar will be held 14th and 15th of October 2016, at Kokstadflaten 30.

Two times a years Shihan Collins visit Fana Karateclub and share his unique knowledge of kyokushinkai Karate. The seminar will have focus on basic, Kata and Bunkai.

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