Summer-camp`s 2017

wkoThe summer are getting closer, and as we all know the Summer-camp`s are our main events. The WKO Japan support Europe with several top Japanese instructors and profiles, and this year it might be even more than we have seen before! Some instructors travels from camp to camp through European countries.

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Extreme Karate Kumite Camp 2017

Sem_Kawahara_smallPolish Shinkyokushinkai Summer-camp 2017. Like last year,in 2016, The Extreme Karate Kumite Camp will be held in Poland 2017. Naoki Kawahara Sensei 3rd Dan, Japan will be the guest instructor of the camp. The camp will be organized by Jacek Lamot 4 Dan, Wrocławski Klub Karate Kyokushin, and the date 12-19 August..

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Polish Summer camps 2017

poland17camp – Kopiobóz-letni-shin

From 25-27th August, national coach of Japan Tadashi Ishihara will be the guest instructor! Also All Japan Open weight category winner. Ishihara did also win the 1st World Cup in 1997 (middleweight), 6th in the 7th WT -99, and many victories as a successful national coach. (Link)

From 25 – 30th July the Polish Summer camp will be held. This years guest instructor will be one Japans best fighter, and winner of  27th and 28th All Japan Open weight category-Kazufumi Shimamoto. Also a 3rd place form World Cup in 2013, and 5th place in the 11th World Championship 2015. (Link) PFKK

Danish fight camp 2017 – ref

A sure sign of spring is the annual Danish fight camp. For the past 17 years Danish Karate Shinkyokushin union has really created something very valuable, not only for themselves but also for the environment around them and all who participate.

2017dancamp – KopiThis year’s camp was with elite fighter Nazar Nasirov, Russia, and collected around 150 participants through the weekend! The man in lead of it all Mathias Davidoff Halberg Sensei , with his crew..

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NKO i Danmark!

Første helg i mars var det nok en gang klart for det årlige kampseminaret i Danmark. Med Russisk gjesteindtruktør på plakaten var det ingen tvil om at man satser tungt inn mot EM, og det merket man godt på det generelle nivået også! Flere landslag var på plass, og i tillegg til dette x landslagsutøvere med EM og VM erfaringer i fleng. “de vanlig dødelige” var også godt representert, og med et totalt besøk på 150 gjennom helgen kan man mildt si det var vellykket! Norge var også på plass, noe som har blitt en tradisjon i seg selv.

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Spanish Summer Camp 2017

2017_spanishcampThis years Spanish Summer Camp will give you Marius Ilas Sensei, Romania and Jimmie Collin, Sempai Sweden! 29-31. July 2017 This is a camp you can not miss. Two of the best middleweight fighters i Europe for many years, will for sure give you a great experience, and of course the camp will also have Spanish top instructors.

Spanish Facebook link



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