EC Shin- it’s on! Women -55kg

Closing in to a very special event in Georgia, with the Covid19 still as a strong factor. No doubt that the the pandemic have an impact at the tournament, but everything is set to go off as planned. The difference between how the nations have been able to prepare are huge. Some nation has not been allowed to train and do sparring, others close to normal. Anyway, we dive into the categories to take a look into the line up..

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EC Shin- it’s on! Women -50kg

Closing in to a very special event in Georgia, with the Covid19 still as a strong factor. No doubt that the the pandemic have an impact at the tournament, but everything is set to go off as planned. The difference between how the nations have been able to prepare are huge. Some nation has not been allowed to train and do sparring, others close to normal. Anyway, we dive into the categories to take a look into the line up..

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Polish EC qualifying Championship

May 8th the Polish national EC qualifying championship was held, and the main goal for the senior fighters was to qualify to the upcoming European Championship in Georgia in June. More or less – the favorites made their goal, but some really hard and even fights made it exciting to watch. Also some profiles had moved from their regular category – and that will also always be interesting to follow. Results and link to stream (if you missed it)

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Hungarian national 2021

A week ago, the Hungarian national was held (25/4) and the top Hungarian elite faced each other to decide the best fighters and Kata practitioners of the nation. In other world some of the best European fighters meet – for not to say best in the word – since two times world champion Szepesi Csenge did her comeback on the tatami..

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6th All Japan Full Contact Championships

About 6 weeks, the 6th edition of the JFKO All Japan Open will be held, and in so matter a very important edition so to speak. Japan have manage to organize several championship trough the covid-19 pandemic – as the 52nd All Japan Open. This championship will bring us fighters that will face the rest of the World in World Championship in the future – this makes it even more interesting! Champions and strong Full-contact profiles joining the JFKO/WFKO continues to increase.

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Fights of the year 2020 – Men

This year compare to last year, has been really a big contrast. due to the pandemic that has – and still are, a huge challenge for us all – and looking back at 2019, with several major tournaments, 12th World Championship(s) to top it all. Championships of any kind are not more important than life itself, and it has to come in that order. Well some great tournaments did go trough in 2020 – and we will take a closer look at some of them,and maybe some new faces to see..

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