In just one and a half week, the European Championship Shinkyokushin will be held in Poland! As mention before, adding new categories has not only increased the number of athletes in the tournament – but we are looking forward to some new match up between fighters that has been in separate categories previous years. Some of the strong profiles are retired, but we are also very happy to see the next generation really steps up! And of course some “immortal” are still going strong!
Category Archives: Ringside
Kyokushin Open Norway – all in!
This Saturday, 14th April, the Kyokushin Open Norway was held. The expectations was growing after strong nations as Lithuania, Sweden and Italy made their entry. The tournament made a significant lift from previous years, and during the day we could see strong international Full Contact fighting, which contains all that one wants a tournament to have! Lithuanian was expected to reach top possessions, but Sweden and Italy had some other plans..
NKO klare for EM 2018
11og 12 Mai avholdes Europamesterskapet i Polen. Shinkyokushin EM avholdes hver vår da i vektklasser og i Kata. Senior og eldste Juniorklassen. (16/17) Hver høst er det U-21,U-16 og U-14 EM samt “Open weight” for senior dame/herre. Shinkyokushin EM holder skyhøyt nivå, og i startfeltet finner man utøvere som har tatt EM/VM titler i et flertall forbund rundt om i verden. Størrelsemessig er det få hvis noen som er større.
Kyokushin Open 2018 – Shaping up!
INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION: The categories are starting to shape up nicely, and one can expect some last minutes registration – as always! Lithuania, France, Italy, Sweden and of course Norway are ready! Norway filling in their Norwegian champions to test their skills against highly respected international fighters who participate in the tournament!
The goal of the tournament is to spread, and lift the Fullcontact karate in Norway, in that focus all participation is highly appreciated.
The 1st International Fullcontact Karate Championship – Top World level!
– and that in many ways! The 1st International Full Contact Karate Championship line up blows the roof sky-high together with the expectations of this tournament. All knew that the huge support would give us a strong tournament. But this is far more than a great number of fighters. Some of the best fighters of Russia, Europe, Asia and of course Japan are ready to challenge each others on the Tatami. European Champions, “Open” Champions and World Champions will make this tournament far beyond what we have seen in a long time..
French Open 2018 – Results!
This weekend the 10th version of French Open was held. The support was very good, and the top nations in Europe was to find in the line up. The tournament had novice and “old masters” categories also, besides the elite category. French team made a very strong tournament at home soil, winning several of the elite categories.
Some of the other countries that was attending in the tournament this weekend :Lithuania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia and Kuwait…
Polish Team ready for EC!
On Saturday, February 17, the Qualifying Tournament for the European Senior and Junior Championships took place in Kobyłka. 117 competitors from 32 clubs took part in the competition. Based on the results of the tournament and counting in the ranking of players (seniors), the players who were appointed to the National Team for the European Championships, which will be held in Wrocław on May 11 and 12, were selected. See list….
Polska Federacja Karate Shinkyokushinkai for more photos!
Lithuanian Nationals 2018
The name fits – Diamond Cup shines!
The Diamond Cup 2018 delivered a fully packed tournament that makes it stand stronger than ever. For sure the Diamond Cup are known for top level fighting from many years – but one do have to notice that the concept grows, more and more people are included… and that together with the quality!
With fifteen nations spread across the podium, the result describes how the diversity in the tournament is – and this makes the interest increase even further!