EC 2004 – semi finals and finals

We have just witness a great European Championship in Poland, and now we will take a trip back to 2004 – a video that contains semi, and finals – unfortunately not women categories, but top fighters as Dimtar Popov Lasha Khachaporidze Jakoeb Groenhof Darius Gudauskas Daniel Torok and Donatas Imbras with more..

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In The Memory of Andrey Materov

Ten years ago we received the very sad message, that Andrey Materov had passed away after been on the intensive care since 27th January. The night of 26 on January 27, Andrey, opening the door to a burning apartment and, thus, trying to save himself and his mother, received severe burns (95% of the body, of which 20% – deep) February 11, 2012 at the Regional Burn Center at about 7 am in the Krasnoyarsk time, Andrew has died 21 years old.

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7th World Championship 2022 – Team Japan

36 fighters from Japan WKO are ready to the 7th World Championship in weight categories. Winning seven out of eight weight categories last edition in Kazakhstan 2017 – Japan, consider to be the number one heavy favorite this time as well. Not only possess Japan a very high level all over, but 36 fighters from the same nation does also weigh heavily in.

MOTE:Not official poster
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Shihan Tokujun Ishi

One of the most respected and knowledgeable Karate masters was Ichi Shihan. Unfortunately, he left us so far too soon. Some of us were lucky to train with him during the World Cup in 2007. It would be the last time we had that opportunity.

Ichi Shihan durinf the Danish Summercamp i 2007
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Fights of the year 2021 – Women

Picking up the training at the competitions has been this year focus. More or less all have felt the impact of the pandemic, but no doubt that the differences between where you live comes into play. Nevertheless many fights of inspirations – as always. And the level in the women’s category has never been better.

Photo taken by – visit for the very best photos of Fullcontact Karate – and more!
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European Team – Men 2022

Are the European region ready to face the rest of the world next year? Well, time will show – but of course with the 53rd All Japan Open fresh in mind, the excitements just raises. Japan will be a challenge for all, but we can not forget regions as Central Asia – Kazakhstan and Russia as well..

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Som mange har etterspurt: VM for kvinner fra 1996! Elisabeth Jakobsen: vant VM + x2 EM champion m.m! Gunnhild Moen 2. plass i samme VM, etter mange tøffe kamper. Ledet av vår aller beste gjennom tidene: Kjetil Vigre. Dette var det 1.VM for kvinner, og ansees per i dag som et av de aller sterkeste.

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Lili Mező, Hungary

Lili Mező took the European Podium with storm. Into the senior categories in 2019, challenging not only strong fighters, but even taking on the absolute top fighters of Europe. 3rd place in the EC weight category in Vilnius 2019. Only month later, the first (senior) EC tittle was a fact, EC Open Weight. Once again, taking on EC champions – and being the one taking the tittle. 2021 – 2nd in the EC weight category and once again EC Open Weight champion. Sharp Technically, and physically – the future will be very interesting!

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