Fighting for over thirty year, and fighting among the top level for so long – that alone will put Trampov in a “division” for himself. Being on the European podium more or less in a ten year period, facing the absolute best – well that has been written before, but still going strong thirty year after? To be capable of doing so, one do realize that this is beyond the ordinary. Technique, understanding, and a true spirit. Making a strong figure in World Championships, being the oldest competitor in 2015 – passes his 4th Dan test few days after.
Category Archives: Profiles
The 50th All Japan Open!
The All Japan Open – a legendary tournament at the highest level. This year we can look forward to the 50 edition! The tournament will be held the 13th and 14th October. The open weight tournament has been a good pointer for whom fighter that will be in the absolute top in the World Championship..!
Summer camps – huge support all over!
This is the most attractive period regarding to summer-camps across Europe. Some have all ready held their camp, some right now – and of course it is also camps to comme. The support of the summer-camps has been huge! What is it that triggers so many to participate? We have picked up some feed back, and as always one could say, it`s not one main factor, but several that makes it so attractive…
Diana Mačiūtė, Lithuania
Diana Mačiūtė, Lithuania
Top performer from one of the strongest nations, and a complete athlete with top skills in fight as well as Kata. Been top three for many years in the European Championship region, European Champion and winner of several Open tournaments. Strong with good impact in her techniques, and ended fights before full time more than one time. Became the kwu World Champion in 2017, and this spring 3rd place in Kata in the European Shinkyokushin Championship.
NKO Sommerleir 2008 – 2018
Sist sommer, i 2017 var det egentlig ti års jubileum for NKO Shinkyokushin Norge. På sommerleiren 2007, Moi ble NKO etablert, og etter et år med prøvetid ble man tatt opp i WKO. Selv om man ble etablert i 2007, ble det året etter som mange følte var startskuddet. Da først fikk man en en retning om hvordan dette kunne bli. Den sommerleiren kom selveste Kenji Midori Shihan på besøk pluss Shihan Brian Fitkin.
2008 ble startskudd for NKO hvor man fort innså at man nå tilhørte noe langt større, og til de grader inkluderende.
Nazar Nasirov Sensei!
March 4, 2018 in Tokyo at the Hearton Higashi Shinagawa hosted the Dan-test (qualification exam) of the regional leaders of WKO Grading Exam. It was attended by 50 people from 10 countries: Russia, Sweden, Poland, Armenia, Italy, Hungary, Macau, the Netherlands, China and Japan. On the Russian side, Nazar Nasirov, Roman Nesterenko, Vyacheslav Mitrikovsky and Andrey Kitkin made speeches.
Camp Banzai 2018
Camp Banzai Gothenburg,Sweden 2018.
Once again the Banzai Camp calls in the absolute top instructors! This years camp will give you Valeri Dimitrov and Sensei Dimitar Trampov from Bulgaria. It would surprise us If there is someone who do not know of these two icons in the full contact Karate world! This will – in the combination with the eminent host Banzai, be a MUST BE THERE event!
Alexander Kuzmin seminar in Poland
Kuzmin Alexander Vasilievich -Vice-president of the UFCS, Master of Sports of Ukraine, international referee, Head coach of the Ukrainian national team, USSR Champion, multiple champion of Ukraine and prize-winner of international competitions.Once again TBST, Tomasz Basiak organizes a seminar with top instructor. Poland, Spring seminar 17th & 18th March 2018.
Next one on the schedule: Summer camp with Shihan Kumiko Sunakawa July for kids, summer camp 24th – 26th August 2018 with Kensaku Yamamoto Shihan and Emi Shoguchi Sensei.
Alina Polishchuk , Russia
Alina Polishchuk , Russia. Strong aggressive style, rapid explosive combinations – and always a very strong finisher. Polishchuk has the capacity to keep up with the best, and will give anyone a fight. That said, Polishchuk is moving towards the top more and more at a regular basis,and have the last years been winner of several international tournaments. Last year, the European Open Szolnok Cup 2017 tittle was captured. And also doing a very good figure in several world championships (IFK/KWU) Being the European Champion in 2015 (KAN), made more people notice this Russian fighter. Followed this up with a nice win in the Diamond Cup in 2016.
In the memory of Shihan Toshikazu Sato
In the early days Toshikazu Sato Shihan made a great effort in the All Japan Open and the World Championship. Being among the top five in the 1st World Open Tournament in 1975, and following that up with a All Japan Open Weight victory the year after in the 8th All Japan Open. In front of the world championship, the results was also good. 3rd place in the 4th/1972 and 5th/1973 and 5th place in 1974. Sato Shihan will be remembered for his long term contribution to the WKO organization.