Ballerup Challenge Cup – for beginners!


Denmark – Ballerup Challenge Cup 2013

Knock Down Karate for Beginners!

2nd February 2013



Ballerup Kyokushin Karate /Denmark invite to the first knockdown karate tournament for participants with limited fighting experience. The tournament will take place on the 2nd February 2013. The purpose of the tournament is to give inexperienced fighters an introduction and to experience with full contact karate.

The tournament is open for all styles who want to try full contact karate kumite. Fights will be conducted according to the European Karate Organizations (Kyokushin) kumite regler as described at At the start of the tournament there will be board-breaking (tameshiwari) for all men. The tournament will where possible be implemented as group matches to ensure competitors more than a match.

Use of dental protector, white shin and instep protector and for ladies chest protection (cup type) is mandatory and it will be possible to fight with helmet.

To ensure that participants are fighting on equal terms, participants must meet the following criteria for fighting experience and age:

Fighting experience: Min. 5 kyu and as a senior (18 years or older) have participated in at most 1 knock down tournament. However, not Danish Open, European Championship, World Cup, World Championship or similar.
Age: 17 years with an exemption signed by the parents and the Chief Instructor
18 – 45 years
Above 45 years with an exemption signed by the Chief Instructor

All info taken from the organizer :

It is assumed that all registered competitors meet the criteria, but tournament organizers reserve the right to reject any competitors who, in their judgment does not comply with the criteria.

Registration is performed on the registration form and send to the email address Registration and payment of registration fee can be made no later than Tuesday 15 January 2013. Signed dispensations must be brought to the tournament day.

On the tournament day there will be weigh-in and medical check between 9.00 and 10.00 with the match start at 11.00.

klick poster :

Dette er et meget bra tiltak som gir nye fullkontakt fighters en mulighet til å komme igang. Skal man få til rekruttering og bredde i fullkontakt, så er dette vegen å gå. Sverige har sin Nordic Kyokushin Challenge som hadde sin første event i 2012, og som var meget vellykket. Norge på sin side har ennå ikke fått til dette, og sliter med frafall på de nasjonale stevnene, men som flere og flere finner ut må man ned i regions arbeidet og bygge det via mindre turneringer uten at de rutinerte knuser alle og all lyst som måtte dukke opp. NM, og NC stevnene er myntet på de som allerede har erfaring. Fullkontakt med begrensninger  er og blir en egen stil , og intet naturlig springbrett opp til fullkontakt som mange først trodde. Dertil er avstanden for stor. Men nye tider er på veg, og tiltak i tilsvarende retning som våre naboer er på veg. Samtidig som vi selvsagt skal støtte opp under disse.