Årets NM gikk av stabelen i Bærum, og det er for “hjemmebane” for Region Øst regne! I regionen har det vært vanleig å få samlet utøvere for å delta. I år ingen unntak – snarere tvert om! I år var Region Øst nemlig forsterket og det fra flere hold…!
Author Archives: Steffen
NM karate – Bærum, 2017
Årets NM starter om litt, og det er det 44. Norgesmesterskapet i rekken. Antall påmeldte er som forventet, rundt om det samme om sist år. Rundt 85 stykker i kamp (87 reg), hvor av 12 stykker av disse er i den rene fullkontakten. 47 er påmeldt i Kata. Årets NM streames LIVE…
UTSATT 2 timer, Kamper fra klokken 12.00
WKO profiles in IFK World Tournament 2017
The 5th edition of the IFK World Tournament will be held 27th and 28th of May 2017. The 4th edition was held 2013, in the United Kingdom. This edition will be held in Romania, and the tournament will also offer U21 and U18 categories besides the adult men and women categories. Usually, and like the IFK British Open, the line ups are filled up with fighters from other organizations – this time no exceptions..
Andrey Materov Memorial – results
Russian Memorial tournament “Andrey Materov Memorial” was held the 18th March, and the event was streamed LIVE. Russian Shinkyokushin top fighters fought with strong spirit in the memory of the young Shinkyokushin fighter Andrey Materov.
Top fighters as Nazar Nasirov , Denis Ershov , Artem Semyonov and more, and the top fighters stood to expectations.
Kyokushin Open 2017, Norway
One month left to the Kyokushin Open Norway 2017!, and the preparations are going well. Sweden has been signing up as we speak, more to come!
Only two weeks after the European Championship in Denmark will lead us to whom the tournament aims for. Not necessarily the top level of Europe and national team members – don`t get us wrong they are very welcome, but it is a fact that the level will be more in the mid or/and up and coming fighters.
Visit the official facebook site and sign up now!
Valeri Dimitrov – Las Vegas 2017!
USA, this summer 2017 non other than Shihan Georgi Popov and Valeri Dimitrov Sensei! Las Vegas Shinkyokushinkai and Elite Martial Arts Dojo, Los Angeles present the 2017 Shinkyokushin Karate Summer Camp.
Andrey Materov Memorial – LIVE
Top Russian fighter will fight in the memory and spirit of Andrey Materov 12.6.90 -11.2.12
Матеров Андрей Алексеевич. link
Extreme Karate Kumite Camp 2017
Polish Shinkyokushinkai Summer-camp 2017. Like last year,in 2016, The Extreme Karate Kumite Camp will be held in Poland 2017. Naoki Kawahara Sensei 3rd Dan, Japan will be the guest instructor of the camp. The camp will be organized by Jacek Lamot 4 Dan, Wrocławski Klub Karate Kyokushin, and the date 12-19 August..
EC Denmark – now and then!
We are for real closing in to the European Championship in Denmark, and as we can see this will be a great one! Organizers as well as competitors are doing a good job, and the different categories are been filled nicely up! Taking the number of fighters and their level, this EC will hold a very high level. Since last time Denmark was the EC host, fighters have come and gone…and some actually have stayed!
Polish Summer camps 2017
From 25-27th August, national coach of Japan Tadashi Ishihara will be the guest instructor! Also All Japan Open weight category winner. Ishihara did also win the 1st World Cup in 1997 (middleweight), 6th in the 7th WT -99, and many victories as a successful national coach. (Link)
From 25 – 30th July the Polish Summer camp will be held. This years guest instructor will be one Japans best fighter, and winner of 27th and 28th All Japan Open weight category-Kazufumi Shimamoto. Also a 3rd place form World Cup in 2013, and 5th place in the 11th World Championship 2015. (Link) PFKK