Author Archives: Steffen
The 11th Kokoro Cup 2018 – tournament and seminar!
Kokoro Cup – a very professional tournament, always with a very interesting line up. Fighters from all over the world – but at the very best level! Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Poland.. The tournament has also been spiced up with Japanese fighters – and of course being held in Poland the home-fighters will not only defend their ground, they will do so with their very best fighters! This year the text: Poland vs Japan are added, and we know that once again Japan brings in fighters to Kokoro Cup.
The date 15th December, followed up with a seminar 16th December.
European Championship Open Weight 2018 – Women’s division
European Championship Open Weight – in 1 week!The European Championship Shinkyokushin will take place on 23-24 November 2018, Friday and Saturday, in the city of Budapest, Hungary. The great support of the tournament gives us the hardest line up up to now! Not only in numbers, but also looking at the profiles ho attend – if one manage to reach the podium, it would be a great achievement!
NKO i EM Open-weight 2018
Denne helgen avholes en av de virkelig tyngre turneringene i Europa – Shinkyokushin Open-Weight European Championship. Nivået er skyhøyt, og i årets line up er det pakket med fighters som har tatt titler i alt av organisasjoner og turneringer. Og NKO er mist oppe det hele! Tidsplan LIVE og trekning foreligger..Dette EM er altså åpen vekt for seniorer, samtidig egne klasser for U-21,U-16. Med disse tre klassene er det alikevel over 420 utøvere fordelt på 25 land. Dette gjør sitt til at det er av betydelig størrelse. Antall utøvere er ofte ikke noe målestokk ift størrelse, ettersom det har blitt mer og mer vanlig rundt om, å fylle på med barn helt ned i 8-10 års alderen. Det er det heldigvis ikke behov for i dette tilfelle.
European Championship Open Weight 2018
European Championship Open Weight – in two weeks! And as we know the U-21 and U-16 European Championship as well. The European Championship Shinkyokushin will take place on 23-24 November 2018, Friday and Saturday, in the city of Budapest, Hungary. The Open Weight tournament has always been interesting – just for for the fact that it is open weight. The great support of the tournament gives us the hardest line up up to now! Not only in numbers, but also looking at the profiles ho attend – if one manage to reaching the podium, it would be a great achievement!
Shinkyokushin Kazakhstan – top class again!
Mention several times before, one of the occasion was at the 17th All Asia Shinkyokushin Championship held two months ago. This time it was participating in the KWF World Championship held in Astana, Kazakhstan. The top spots in the tournament was mainly shared among Japan and Kazakhstan. Most of the top spots fell to other organizations, only in the women’s category did the host manage to capture some top spots.
Results – 23rd Memorijal Branka Bošnjaka
It’s on! 23rd Branko Bošnjak Memorial – LIVE
French Open 2019
French Open Shinkyokushin will be held 23rd February 2019. This will be the 11th edition of the popular tournament, and ill as always offer categories to all levels: Elite, novice and old master category. The tournament has been at a good international level, mainly fighters from Europe – but also some fighters from outside the European region.. (Picture from Morgan Leguen see official album)
Norwegian fall-camp 2018!
The weekend 19-21st October was the Norwegian fall-camp organized at Finnsnes, North Norway, by Finnsnes Karate-club Shinkyokushin. For the first time in Finnsnes – Japanese instructors was the headliners. Ochanomizu Dojo’s head instructors Kumiko Sunakawa Shihan and Mitsuhiro Izumi Sensei. For most of us Sunakawa Shihan is the known profile, but being a instructor in Ochanomitzu Dojo, Mitsuhiro Izumi are highly skilled instructor as well! The camp gathered participants from Finland, Sweden and Norway..