Juri Minamihara, Japan

Bursting into the 11th World Championship final being only 16 years – Juri Minamihara becomes a Fullcontact karate star over the night. Being the runner up at this WT was only the start. Minamihara showed then several top results on the international stage – and of course top spots in All Japan Open, JFKO championships as well. Incredible spirit, and with 154 high 52-54 kg weight – one do also understand her technical aspect and her ability to protect and fight against much bigger opponents. World Champion in 2017 middleweight category, and champion in the 12th World Championship 2019

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Benno Rasmussen, Denmark

Benno Rasmussen, Denmark

If you look up “kyokushin veteran” in the dictionary, you most likely will see the same picture as we use here. Far as we know, took his 3rd place EC medal back in 1993 and being on the podium several times after that. Top 16 in the 6th World Championship. Became the EC champion in 2018, +40 cat. (Kyokushin Union) “Open” wins trough the years as Wales Open, French Open, Danish Open and more. Also being active in other tournaments within full-contact , winner of the 18th Challenge Spirit World Championship i 2012 as one of them. Coach for the Danish national team.

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Emi Shoguchi, Japan

Emi Shoguchi, Japan. World Champion of the 10th World Championship 2011 and winner of All Japan Open Tournament several times, and All Japan weight divisions championship. Second place World Weight Championship 2013, World Champion in 2017 in Weight Categories. Fighting larger opponents have not prevented success. In addition to the technical and tactical capacity, she holds tremendous fighter’s heart!

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NKO med gode erfaringer i EM 2018

Et solid EM ble avholdt i helgen og NKO skaffet seg gode erfaringer. Som alltid er det Øst-blokk landene som dominerer, og det er land som Bulgaria, Polen og Litauen som tar pallen. Og apropo Litauen så fikk man et aldri så lite forhold til dem – eller rettere sagt 3 av dem. Nivået var skyhøyt, og som kjent så befinner Shinkyokushin sine utøvere i den absolutte verdenstoppen, og det på kryss av organisasjoner.

Åpenvekt EM skiller seg ut når det kommet til den taktiske delen, og det vil si i fothold til å fighte inn i mot en vekt avgjørelse. Tydelig å se denne gang var også hvordan top 8 var meget bevisste på energiforbruk i innledende runder, og gjorde akkurat det de måtte for å avansere.

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Going the distance – that`s a highlight!

We brought together some videos of various fights that we like to watch. We can already tell you that there will be no knock out`s – maybe a waza-ari or two, but no K.O. To be frank we get a little bit tired from time to time of all the “best of” collections with half the time of the videos we actually are looking on unconscious people. We choose to set this a bit on the edge, of course, but the point is, there’s so much more in a very good and hard fight than “just” decision on who will win the fight.

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EM med Norske øyene

17883970_10211355377194661_7241393533227784034_nEtter noen års fravær var det på tide for NKO og Norge og delta på EM. Og ikke bare det, denne gang var det den største troppen man noensinne har hatt! Den bestod av utøvere, Kata og kamp, herrer og damer, junior og senior. Samt et solid apparat og dommere på toppen av det hele.

Danmark avholdt sist EM i 2005, er det er sånn sett det tetteste på Norge man har hatt en så stor turnering. At EM ble lagt til Danmark var også i sammnheng med at den Danske organisasjonen fyllte hele 50 år i år!


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Marius Ilas – finals – videos!


Marius Ilas, one of the finest profiles we in Shinkyokushin and well known among every one practice Kyokushin Karate. Through many years he has been fighting, and many times he has been the one on the top in the different tournaments. We will bring you some videos from finals in different kind of tournaments, here we can see Marius Ilas in EC finales, WC final, Hungarian Open finals, MAX 80 finals – to name a few…!

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Andrei Zinchenko, Georgia

Andro ZinchenkoAndrei Zinchenko, Georgia. He has established himself among the best lightweight fighters in recent years. European champion in 2014/16/18/21 i total 7 times at the podium  He is known for his quick and energetic style and ability to push forward no matter how much resistance he meets Runner up in the 6th World Championship 2017. World Champion KWU 2019.

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NKO Sommerleir i Stavern


Som vanlin ble årets sommerleir avholdt i Stavern, etter at 2013 leir ble avholdt på Moi. Dette etter annen hver gang Vest-Øst avviklingen moldellen som som NKO benytter seg av. Årets leir ble som alltid en variert leir rent faglig, men i år stod det også andre ting på tapetet -som løfter NKO videre opp og frem som en spiss i Norge.

Leder av Faglig råd ←Sensei Erik A Helin, ledet årets leir med flere nye vinklinger og organisatoriske løft.

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Marek Wolny, Poland

Open weight champion 2022, weight EC champion 2023. In 2013 Wolny entered the EC podium for the first time – 3rd place European Championship in the light heavyweight, and 5th place in The 45th All Japan Open Tournament. Hard-working for many years, several podium places in different organisations, and been representing Poland for many years in the major tournaments. For many being seen as the proof of never giving up spirit in many extremely long and demanding fights. In Poland, known for hard fights in the Polish Championships with top fighters of the world as Maciej Mazur, Patryk Sypień with more.

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