Shinkyokushin at 35th Martial Arts Festival – France

The 35th version of the legendary martial art festival in France will be held 21st March. Full Contact karate Kyokushin has been represented here in several occasions, but far as we know not Shinkyokushin. Shihan Jesus Talan / Spain will be a part of the representation. This is the largest event of this type in Europe, and it is a huge honor to be be a part of it.
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Fights of the year 2019 – Women

As in the previous article we will look at some of the fights held in 2019. One more year have come to and end, many strong achievements tons of fights, tournaments and championships. It shouldn’t be necessary to mention, but the level in total increases, and it will continue to do so if the circumstances are right, and if conditions are adequately organized. Many really impressing fights – and we have some more here..

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Fights of the year 2019 – Inspirations..

Rahim Kamali / Iran

Through a jungle of tournaments and championships, it becomes natural to separate some from each other. With such a diversity – but still with the same titles – one needs some insight. And one must admit that it is a bit special to see athletes attend in 3-4 World Championships in one and the same session. But there has never been so many European Championships/cup, World Championships/cups as now. As a result of this many tournaments struggle to fill their categories. Some many skilled athletes and competitors with unbelievable hard work.

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Brigita Gustaitytė, Lithuania

Brigita Gustaitytė, Lithuania. The 7th World Champion in weight categories 2022. Winner of many Open tournaments as Swedish Open, Caucasus Open,Memorial Branko Bošnjak and more – and almost always reaching the podium, Shin European Championship podium as well. 2nd in the EC 2019/21. Later in 2019 she went all the way in the KWU World Championship, and became the world champion. Earlier in KWU she also made it to the final inn 2015 – and became the vice champion in the 2nd KWU World Championship. EFKO champion 2020

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Mushin Challenge 2019

Mushin Challenge 15th edition 2019, Regionen på plass i årets utgave. På oppsettet for helgens kamper sto Horten, Færder, Modum, Oslo, Lørenskog og Ringerike. På dagen ble det denne gangen preget av endel sykdom, men da fikk man prøve å fylle inn etter beste evne. Mushin er som de fleste vet “sparring i skjerpede omstendigheter” man simulerer stevnet med håndplukkede kamper som gir god avkastning.

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NKO – Trener i Japan

NKO har i de siste år hatt jevnlig trening i Japan. Jevnlig i den forstand at man er der 2-3 uker årlig å trener på normal basis i Dojo som er ønsket. Denne høsten var det VM som de fleste kjenner, da er det også muligheter for å trene. Horten, Oslo og Ringerike hadde satt opp litt tøffere program enn hva de fleste tenker når det kommer til “ferie”

Ochanomizu Dojo
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Hvert fjerde år arranger WKO sitt VM i Japan, og Norge har sin plass sammen med resten av verden. VM er åpen vekt, med alle land representert i form av kvoter på antall utøvere man kan sende. Det det er også kvalifiserte utøvere naturlig nok, de kommer gjennom sine regioner – som ville vært Europa og EM hvis man tenker i Norges sted.

Photo by Piotr Sztencel
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