Andrey Materov – Memorial Tournament


February 16, 2013 in Krasnoyarsk at the Sports Palace of the Ivan Yarygin Memorial Tournament will take place on Russian Andrei Materov, who was tragically killed in a fire at his own apartment..




Materov Andrey . 21 years old, graduate of the University of Krasnoyarsk Pedagogicheskgo (Faculty FKiS), Master of Sports of Russia, member of the Russian national team on Shinkyokushin karate. 


Andrey – winner of the Championship of Russia, Champion of the SFO in 2011, winner of the Absolute Championship of Russia 2010, Silver medalist at the Open Championship in Switzerland in 2011, Champion Russia 2011 Shinkyokushin karate. 


In addition Andrey took 6th place out of 132 x fighters in the 10th World Championship Absolute WKO, losing only by decision to a future world champion. This is a great result for Krasnoyarsk karate school, Siberia and Russia. 

The night of 26 on January 27, Andrew, opening the door to a burning apartment and, thus, trying to save himself and his mother, received severe burns (95% of the body, of which 20% – deep). 

On January 27, he was in intensive care, fighting for his life. A lot of people have responded to requests from friends and relatives of the victim. So 4 days in Krasnoyarsk city branch № 161 in the bank formed a reserve of 65 liters of blood. However, despite the efforts of doctors and 15 days of fighting, February 11, 2012 at the Regional Burn Center at about 7 am in the Krasnoyarsk time, Andrew has died .

Please see video stream of Andrey Materov from WKO Shinkyokushin 

Se more about the tournament Shinkyokushin Russia