Danish Fight Camp 2017!

nazarovFighting Seminar 2017!

For the past 17 years we have held this Fighting seminar. The focus is on all aspect of Shinkyokushin kumite. Everything from sparring, technique and stamina. The camp is a fantastic preperation for tournaments, gradings or just for self-development.

This year’s guest instructor will be Nazar Nasirov from Russia.
His merits speak for themselves:
6th place in the World Championship 2015, and Technical Award. Winning the Russian Open weight 2016, defeating the best of Russian fighters across organizations and weight.

nasir_dimitrov-kopiAll info: official facebook site LINK 

In case of any questions please contact Sensei Mathias via mail or phone:
+45 40780075

As we wait….click picture for video gallery

Read about Fight camp 2016 HERE!