6th World Championship – write up and results

Kazakhstan, Astana 2017, 6th World Championship weight categories.

Salahat Hasanov Azerbaijan – makes a historic result,

Georgia strongest result ever,

Kazakhstan have managed generational change,

Japan with a historic mixed strong team,

The 6th WC had many factors to evaluate. The effort that all involved parts put into this – it`s hard to imagine..! Astana in Kazakhstan, the name er well known world wide across all types of sport. All from sports at the regular basis to the elite professional sports. In Shinkyokushin Kazakhstan have a reputation for solid fighters, Built over time.

To organize a World Tournament with such a large participation requires large resources and a well-organized workforce. The practical part had to be different since last time in 2013. Thinking of the fact that we got eight categories instead of six – that would be 16 women and 32 men in plus compared to last time. The solution was to use two fight areas the first day, one the final day. -that worked well. The time schedule was under control, venue, warm up area the same.

The information could be a little better on regular basis, the official website could be introducing more than own fighters, the official draw should be updated to the final one. Today these things matter, because we are online all the time. “online broadcast” will be next – this did not work at all. It is really sad, as mention these factors matters – a lot! It causes huge irritation when it was as we saw it this weekend. It would be better to state that it would not be streamed live, record it release it whit top quality soon as possible.

but no doubt about that Kazakhstan was a worthy organizer, who passes the task to Poland with a high standard as the main impression!

  • General summary
  • Japan, Europe and Kazakhstan
  • The will to win – stylish fighting
  • Fight summary, men 65,75,85 +85
  • We saw many good fights…

General summary

To write a summary of the weekend would be almost impossible, because we are going through all aspects of feelings – because this mean so much to us. One remark or explaining could be spot on for some – and mile away from other, depends on each and one own experience.

One impression -especially the first day (maybe) was that decisions seemed to be done fast. Many fights that was so close that no one would be surprised was going in to a new round, was given one or another way – and yes, many discussions came up here. The picture where often seen: 2 flag two Aka/Shiro and two flags for extension – and the main referee tipped it to decision. In close close fights this should be an extra round, more than give the decision to soon – especially when we think of the size of the categories that are smaller that the fighters are used to, and split over two days. But no doubt, is there a difference to see, it should be clear. A another thing to raise question about, judge then coach, then judge again? If not mistaken this was seen more than one time, and it would probably be a thing to avoid just for the sake of clarity. 

The different team, nations or regions was prepared well. Although some of the profiles was missing. But coming to this tournament, everybody are profiles! In front of this tournament we posted a focus on the strongest profiles, but we also felt that we should focus wider. The article never made the time limit, but the headline was: “Prove us wrong”  In this article we would pick up the names that we usually see a little past, and we would like to give them the earned respect going up against heavy favorites. Mathew Ah Chow, Australia made the biggest bomb, when he clipped Yuki Maeda with an perfect USHIRO-MAWASHI-GERI..to bad he injured his leg in the next fight – but he proved us wrong! That said many of the fighters from regions that are beneath the top level did a very good figure, and sowed growing skills.

Japan, Europe and Kazakhstan

Through the first day, it early showed that Japan came in with a stronger team than before. All know this, but not all has tough it through. We have to remember that this year the team was not only by the best Shinkyokushin fighters, but it was supplied with the fighters who qualified trough JFKO All Japan Open, from Ashihara, Byakuren-Kaikan and more. As a comparison, we can take Russia as an example. If we pick out the very best fighters, crossing organizations – there is no doubt that it had made a difference. And just for the numbers Japan starts with 38 fighters – Kazakhstan 21 Central Asia region/Host country. 

Europe could look back at the 5th edition with strong results, this time the result was quite different, winning half of the categories. But then Europe also did have more fighters through Lithuania as the host. This year Lithuania (that has been the number one in Europe earlier) been struggling to succeed like before, and countries like Georgia, Azerbaijan and Poland has been eating their spots. In total it also can look like Europe are struggling a little to fill in new blood, with new profiles. -that said, there are certainly some shoes to fill! This is more an overall look, and not black and white, because Europe do have fighters as Salahat Hasanov, Georgi Lotarov,George Suciu and more.

Kazakhstan seems to manage this point very good, young fighters did a very good impression in the tournament this weekend, Vitaliy Chekh, Yerkebulan Beisembayev would be good examples, women categories Lyudmila Ustyugova , Yekaterina Gurova. and still their more experienced fighters as Ilya Yakovlev, Vladimir Artyushin and Dmitriy Moisseyev are challenging the top level.

The will to win – stylish fighting

The will to win are very visual, and funny as it sound several times the will was to strong. Many fights look (in periods) likes wrestles that was not allowed to throw or fasten their grip. When this hits a fight, then the technical part will be shut down. We did mention this as a topic after the EC, where the “battle of the style” and the ” hummingbird aimless punching-style” was made as an expression. It is very hard to fight against this type, not because it is effective in the way of damaging you much, but it chokes down technique and many times the winner will be called out – the one looking the most active one. Therefore it is sometimes a kind of defense to face it with the same type. Face-punching are now so command that the legal punches are been accepted to land higher and higher. Looking at fights and register what the most commend break in a fight are been caused by.. well. And for those who dream of Full Contact in the Olympics – some of this mention above will for sure not lift the interest.

On the other hand, the top level we see when proper technique, tactical game and clean fighting paired up with power an speed – it is easy to see how the this is meant to be! In matter of fact we do not need to see a knock out to categorize the fight as “good” We like to use boxing as an example: why do the referee break the clinch? It is quit obvious – the style would be ruined if they was holding each other. So each time we pushes our style in a direction we must never forget whats makes it effective. 


Lightweight Men -65 kg

With Japan and Kazakhstan as the biggest favorites – region/country vise. Europe with Georgi Lotarov, Bulgaria and Andrei Zinchenko, Georgia was also expected to be notable. Zinchenko started off strong, and many missed him in the top spots during the EC this spring. With a first round win against Alisher Akhmetzhan, (Kaz) a very hard fight second fight vs Atsushi Kawase, (JPN) after second extension Zinchenko get the decision (5-0), and this was a very strong finish, in the ordinary round and the 1st extension Kawase had to flags to three draw. 3rd fight, Yosei Tada (JPN), once again Zinchenko turned the flags, this time in the 1st extension. Tada on his path had strong victories against Emin Ismayilli (AZE) and Vyacheslav Lesnikov (RUS). So the semi against home-fighter Yerkebulan Beisembayev (KAZ) Earning a 5-0 win in the ordinary round Zinchenko was ready for an historic final! Beisembayev ended at a good third place, with strong win against 3 time podium All Japan Open JFKO fighter Tatsuya Takenaka (JPN) who on his side got a first round win against strong Omar Magomedov (RUS).

Harutaka Okazaki (JPN) 2nd All Japan Open JFKO champion, meet in the 2nd round local fighter Vitaliy Chekh (KAZ) who had in his first fight clipped out EC 2017 runner up Konrad Kozubowski  (POL) with a high knee. Okazaki manage to get a first round win, and advanced to face Georgi Lotarov (BUL) who fought Vladimir Maximchev (RUS) and won the fight before. Okazaki was strong in the pressure at did`t give Lotarov the space to use his kicks. But even if the pressure was high, Lotarov fired back rapid combinations that even out the picture. It was as we mention before, one of the fights that ended in a quick decision – 5-0 to Okazaki seems a bit more than the fight it selves. But the next round was set to be a big one. Reign Champion Dmitriy Moisseyev (KAZ) – no introduction needed. This was a really good fight, and the full game was on. Both moving very well, connecting with combinations, shearing the pressure and punishing the legs. The fight went over to extra rounds, and the decision was clear after the second 3-2 to Okazaki. It hard to say, this was a tight one.. Okazaki to the final.

Harutaka Okazaki vs Andrei Zinchenko, and the war was on. The fight starts as the Moisseyev vs Okazaki fight but soon ends up in in-fight with short punches and knees. Okazaki also mange to sneak in some inside low kicks now and then – Zinchenko answers with knees to the thighs. The fighters follow each other to the last extension whew the results goes to Okazaki with 3-2 flags. Zinchenko clearly disappointed after a very strong fight, and in to a historic result for Georgia. (Full Draw and referee facts)

Men Middleweight men -75 kg

Speaking of a historic result, this category as all know was won by Salahat Hasanov (AZE) The only category not  taken by Japan. And thinking of the result in total, this category had three from Europe and Russia at the podium. Strong Japanese fighters as Junki Ochi and Tenta Onodera. Ochi lost to Hasanov after 1st extension on 4-1 flag, Onodera in the next fight also lost after 1st extension 5-0 to Hasanov. In the semifinal Mikheil Tsiklauri (GEO) waited. He had showed great results with wins against Adilet Satybaldiyev (KAZ) and Shunsaku Kawase (JPN) All Japan Open winner an more. Kawase with a big win against Khasai Magomedov (RUS) and before that one of Europe top fighter George Suciu (ROM) 

Tsiklauri vs Hasanov was a good fight, nice combinations that landed where they should, Hasanov being the stronger one, and tearing his opponent down with low kicks. As mention the fight was clean and good, and to compare this fight did almost not have one stop during clinching, or warnings. Hasanov to the final, strong 3rd place to Tsiklauri.

To face Hasanov in the final, Russian top fighter Maxim Smolyakov had to win against Tsuyoshi Midori (JPN), Hotaka Yoshizawa (JPN) – who on his path stopped EC 2017 winner Andrius Miseckas (LT)  In the semi final Ukraine fighter Oleksandr Svynarenko waited to face Maxim Smolyakov. Svynarenko had the fight before won against Tengiz Bastoiani (GEO) Maxim Smolyakov takes the fight after one round, that looks quite even. The fight are at close distance and they both deliver and receive heavy strikes to the body. Maybe this soften up Maxim Smolyakov a little to the final, because this final do not go the full time. After strong punching as the fight before, Smolyakov was now facing a stronger fighter, Hasanov also mixing it up with kicks as well, before he deliver the final blow that results in a full scoring! (Full draw and referee facts)

Men Light Heavyweight -85 kg

As we mention before the tournament, this category was really packed with top fighters. Nazar Nasirov (RUS), heavy favorite did stand to his expectations. His first big win came against Kazufumi Shimamoto (JPN) In a very entertaining fight with nice combinations and exchanges , Nasirov get the win after extension 3-2. The next in line was also a Japan Open Champion: Kazuhito Yamada (JPN) Nasirov with dangerous knees to the head, and high kicks – Yamada with strikes and inside low-kicks.As the fight goes on, the pace increases and this is to Nasirov`s best – 4-1. Next to face was talented home fighter Vladimir Artyushin (KAZ) He had also an impressive tournament, winning against japan top fighter Yuto Eguchi (JPN) 5-0 in the ordinary round,  and stopping Valdemaras Gudauskas (LT) the reign EC champion. Artyushin works Gudauskas down, not letting him control the distance or the pace, secure the win after first extra round 5-0, strong finish with more effective techniques.

Vladimir Artyushin vs Nazar Nasirov is a great fight, high pace from the start,technical variation and intensity through the hole fight .1st extension 5-0 Nasirov, and third place for Artyushin. Nasirov ready for the final.

Shota Maeda (JPN) one of the favorites also starts of strong. Second win against Vytautas Cepla (LT) shows his level. Cepla can not keep up with his pace and movements. 5-0 after ordinary round. Next, Artem Semenov (RUS). After a very high pace in the start Semenov goes down. Forth and back from the referees, and the situations ends up in a Ippon, fight is over..! one more All japan Open Champion,  Daiki Kato (JPN) Once again Maeda`s pace makes the difference, good kicks from Kato can not change the results 5-0. Kato ends at third place, after three advancements. Last win against Marius Ilas (ROM) Ilas with a hard start and win against Kazuhisa Mikami (JPN) 1st fight, and a tactical chess fight in the second fight against Merey Suyunov (KAZ) 

The final Nazar Nasirov vs Shota Maeda shoved to world class fighters in action, Maeda charging from the start, challenging Nasirov with high pace punching. Nasirov manage to find his distance and good movements, before Maeda keeps up the pressure. The pressure Maeda gives neutralizes Nasirov`s style. Ordinary round 3 flag extra round 2 Maeda. The extra round is on, and Nasirov clearly grows into the fight, connecting with more, especially kicks. There are therefor strong reactions when the results for next round goes 3-2 Maeda favor. (Full draw and referee facts

Men Heavyweight +85 kg

 Kembu Iriki (JPN) reached the final in the last World Championship, and this repeated he this time. Iriki showed good control in early rounds, and calmly tears his opponents down, strong good timed low kicks is a keyword. Evgeny Otopkov (RUS) in the 2nd round goes down for this, the same for 3rd fight with Edgard Secinski (LT) also he get a taste of this. Low-kicks seems to be Secinski “kryptonite” as we saw he was punished in the EC by Mazur with the same. Next challenge for Iriki was Ilya Yakovlev (KAZ) Yakovlev is a really good fighter, but in this fight it is clear that the very hard fight earlier has taken much more out of him than Iriki has in his path. The pace are not high, but the damaging techniques are well timed and very damaging, Iriki also raise the pace in the end to secure the fight. Ilya Yakovlev takes with this 3rd place, and that after notable wins against Simon Palsson (SWE) in the first, Kosei Ochiai (JPN) in the second round. Ochiai stopped EC champion Maciej Mazur (POL) This “corner” was a very hard field of the draw, and as we mention before the tournament, the one who advanced would probably get marked..

Yuji Shimamoto (JPN) World Champion did also repeat his accomplishment. in to the 2nd round easy, where veteran Brian Jakobsen (DK) waited. Shimamoto advances further with high pace fighting, this tactic takes the fight, Shimamoto firs out and also lands the last on in the most of the exchanges. 5-0 Shimamoto. Next one Eventas Guzauskas (LT) Guzauskas, always goes in hard physical in his fights. 3 flags extra round 2 flags to Shimamoto after ordinary round. Inside lowkicks seems to bother the , Open weight EC winner 2016, Guzauskas. Technically, Shimamoto is better. His damage is better, not to mention punching and kicking is better timed. On top of this, there was a far better defense. But Guzauskas will never stop fighting before it is over, and will be dangerous all the time. Some good high knees came up.1st extension results 2 flag to Guzauskas 3 for extra round. Guzauskas tries to tip the fight in his favor, finishing wild wildly punches at strong drive, but the result ends in head punching instead, and the final results 4 flags Shimamoto 1 to Guzauskas. Next for Shimamoto was an old rival: Lukas Kubilius (LT) 

In 2013 they met in Lithuania, The 5th World Cup (weight categories) Then Kubilius dominated with heavy low-kicks and secured the fight with “all inn” the last 30 seconds. So in the 11th World Championship 2015, they met again in the semifinal. This time Shimamoto was far more active, and it was no doubt that this was a another fight than 2013. Shimamoto gets the victory, but Kubilius receive to warnings that was cheap, it should been extra round. This time the fight was like in 2013 – but the roles was switched. Kubilius could not bring anything to the fight that would change the result. The last 30 seconds Kubilius had more than enough to defend himself. Coming in as the substitute for Valeri Dimitrov did cause debate, and among the arguments was he`s absence from the top level fighting since 2015, probably this will get some further hype now – even the 3rd place Kubiilius revived. We would take it so far that it was a significant difference between the path to the two 3rd places and the two that earned them.

The final Kembu Iriki vs Yuji Shimamoto, a rematch from the 11th World Championship. -and of course from several All Japan Finals they have met. Most of the times Shimamoto have get the best of it, but Iriki have also get the top position as in the 46th All Japan Open 2016, and the fight for 3rd place in 45th All Japan Open 2013. This time it was Shimamoto to win – again. Both seemed fresh in the final, and gave heavy punches and damaging low-kicks – as it had been they trademark the tournament trough. (Full draw and referee facts)

We saw many great fights…

The results are dominate – Japan. So dominate that it can “go” booth ways. If one feel that the task is impossible, to far to reach that one side – or now it is time to put the “shoe on the other foot” and motivate to if possible work harder? After the 11th World  Championship many felt an anticlimax, and of course the judging was a red-hot topic. 

Of course this are as always also a topic after this tournament. Well this time we are not using our energy on this one. We saw many great fights, and we think that we also have to see this in a bigger picture. This time Japan was very dominant, but the bottom line will always give them a stronger position. The have a number of fighters as a country like others have as an region. On top of that, this time the team was further strengthened with other top fighters as we mention. In 2013, we saw how Lithuania in matter of fact could compete with Japan. Besides the level was the number fighters as a host country. We also see how strong Kazakhstan as the host regarding to the final results this time. This time none of them was the first place, but the y got eight medals in total – that`s a strong results. And again a combination between high level and number of fighters. So if we should believe in good results, it must be based on the facts we are thinking of above. 

Measured against this, the results do not seem so overwhelming. But we do not discard this as it is and will always be, challenges in terms of selections, favor and actions that reinforce one’s first interests. So what next? The World Championship in two years would many say, so until that day comes we will get new faces in and veterans will take their last fights, And it’s a fact this weekend is an example of..