11th World Championship WKO – what can we expect?

www_haukisSoon the 11th World Championship will be held in Japan – and what can we expect? -or should we expect? Athletes are doing their last preparations, and they deal with a almost inhuman pressure every day towards the championship. And not to mention when the day has come,at the World Championship. And when it comes to those of the fighters that are “most wanted”  that we take for given will win this or that… But we have believe it or not, maybe the best results that have been predicted..

Who will win, WHO will win the 11th World Championship?!

The question is asked every day several times, and of course we all wounder who will be the last man and women standing. But we also have to see this in a larger perspective. First of all, we all have our favorites, that we want to win or to reach long as possible in the tournament.

Most of the fighters looses, but in Budo there are no losers..

marius_IlThe draw will as usually play a difference, and we can of course speculate all we want, but we really do not know for sure. Many thing can happen during the fights, and when the fighters moves into the next round, and the round after that..the game is on! Full-contact Karate tournaments with a cup system will always be a very hard way of competing.

WC2013 (22) – Kopi

The largest group will be the spectators. We will give the best support that we can. And we will support any fighters that take the step up to the tatami. There is no loser in Budo, and we will give every one their earned support.

Fight for the feeling..

Many of the fighters want to win, but many do also have a other way to see this. In the end of the day, win or loose.. if the feeling is right, if one feel that this was the very best that one could ever do  -then the you have win. pressured beyond the limits, fought harder, longer more technical than before, or just fought and reach the feeling that this was every thing. Fight for the feeling and you will never be forgotten.

We want so many a possible feel this after the tournament, because you have been working harder than most of us can imagine..  and without any fighters there will be no World Championship.

WC2013 (5) – KopiWC 2013 - Kopi – Kopi