11th World Championship – Will we remember or forget?

11th2ndday (3)Two weeks since the 11th World Championship was held in Tokyo, Japan. Now with two weeks to let the impressions really sink in, do we still have the same impression or do we have some other toughs that have comes to or mind? Newer the less, The World Championship always brings magic moments, and a lot of strong feelings.

From the start we all know that it would be a big tournament and that all could prepare for long days at the tournament arena. Several fighters from other organizations also brought the number of fighters, and the level of fighting up.

First day, and the first round with the seeding went its way. Many talks about the change of generation of fighters, and some comment :isn’t it always like that? The World Championship Shinkyokushinkai are getting bigger and bigger, and to enter the tournament you have to be hand picked. This is a good quality check, but as always countries have even more hungry fighters to send, on top of the number of fighters they are given. The judging was as always a theme, but that`t the way it is.. many warnings and fights that ended through this aspect.

Open weight tournament. That gives us many fights that we only can see in the World Tournament. The fights goes by, and people know that some of the profiles are on collision course.

trippelValeri Dimitrov, he has given the organization and full contact karate a face. And as all know the champion that not become a world champion in open weight. Dimitrov wins his first bout against U22 EC champion Lasha Ozbetelashvili, Georgia. Next fight against well merited Polish veteran Krzysztof Habraszka (that replaced Lukasz Lemieszko) Another win for Dimitrov. Moving on to the second day, Valeri Dimitrov vs Ferran Gandia, Spain. Gandia strong fighter, proven several times. Beating Japanese fighter Tatsuya Hasegawa on hisway  – but not enough to win against Dimitrov.

Shota Maeda, Japan. “Duracell” fighter with incredible pace and stamina.

Going straight  through KWU fighter Aleksandar Komanov, Bulgaria in their first fight. Komanov being the reign European Champion in Kyokushin -Kan /Royama and several times KWF EC champion, and two  times runner up in the KWU World Championship. Next for Maeda is Andrius Draugelis, Lithuania. The Lithuanian top fighter will bring a threat to anyone who enters the mat. Maeda on his way, some how passing the Lithuanian EC champion from 2014/15. Hungarian Zsolt Balogh is the next to loose against Maeda, Zsolt Balogh does leave a good impression, and he wins in his early bout against Russian lightweight ace Khasai Magomedov.

Maeda_DimitrovShota Maeda vs Valeri Dimitrov. The fight had Madeas speed an Dimitrovs power… hard, hard fight and as the extra rounds comes, all known that this will leave a mark. Maeda a hair ahead in the fight in to the last round where Valeri Dimitrov pushes himself longer than many of us ever have seen, and even it out. This made a strong impression, but the victory goes to Maeda. Anyone can feel this results, and it is a feeling that is going across every teams and peoples that have a relation to Shinkyokushin. This is like the standing ovation of Kunihiro Suzuki in World Cup – he also lost his fight, but he had won the people through his person.

“Valeri Dimitrov, win or loose in the World Championship, he will still mean everything to everyone”  S.Haukedalen

Shota Maeda continues his impressive tournament, and the next challenge was Edgard Secinski, Lithuanina. Once again Lithuanian top fighter, and once again a war from start to the end of the fight! -and once again Madea out on top in this one also. Edgard Secinski, on his side also made a very good tournament, and on his way he get some notable wins against Denis Ershov, Russia, Salahat Hasanov, Azerbaijan and Ikuma Oshita, Japan. Oshita with win against very impressive Ilya Yakovlev from Kazakhstan, and Russian KWU fighter Nikolay Maslennikov – the reign World Champion 2015 KWU.

lukas-kubilius-To stop Madea it had to be a fellow countryman – Kembu Iriki. Taking the fight, and Maeda was set for the bronze final against Lukas Kubilius, Lithuania. Kubilius – The powerhouse, almost punched Maeda from his mind. unbelievable strong punches leaved no doubt in the world that this years third place was going to Lukas Kubilius, Lithuania. 4th place and spirit award for Shoto Maeda.Kubilius had a great tournament, and on his way to the 3rd place he beat many well known fighters.


wt_2015I (1) All Japan all veteran Kazuhito Yamada, was no match, even with his crisp technique. Maybe one of the really highlight of the Championship was the fight between Kubilius and Kosei Ochiai, Japan. This was a fighter that could stand for Kubilius and his striking power! -but he could not stand for a impressive good timed “death roll” This fight also Kubilius showed a lot more of his all round skills – since the Japanese fighter could take his strength. But Japan stopped Kubilius, and it took a World Champion to do so. Yuji Shimamoto took the fight with 5:0, and it was clear that Kubilius was marked after his last fight.


wt_2015I (5)The fight against Nazar Nasirov, Russia also was a real good fight. The Russian fighter will be one of the main profiles of the future, his skills and attitude will bring him there.This tournament he manage to beat the Danish veteran with his 5th World Tournament – Brian Jakobsen. Maybe one of the better fight to see, both incredible technical, and the skills to hold the fight clean and showing good full contact karate. Jakobsen taking the Tameshiwari award this time (with Kubilius) as he did for four years ago! -and to remember last WT 5th place, and the Technical Award in 2003/ 8th WT. This award did in fact Nazar Nasirov take this year, and a Technical Award is a huge win.-not to forget 6th in the World Championship!

Yuji Shimamoto, Japan, was one of the main favorites this year, and he did also win. Placed on 7th last time. Making his way through this years tournament, all could see that his goal was the absolute top. Meeting his fellow countryman in his 4th fight Shojiro Fujihara, winning in the first round. Shojiro Fujihara on his side had to beat Bulgarian Vasil Vangelov. The Bulgarian fighter lost – but on weight.. The Bulgarian fighter had on his side 3 wins on his way, and the third against a another Bulgarian fighter – KWU/Royama  Yordan Yanev who is 3 times EC Champion KWF, could not put up enough to make a difference.

mazurShimamoto met Polish quality in his 5th fight, Maciej Mazur. Mazur are an very interesting fighter, and also he bring a good mix of all that will make a fight good. Mazur had on his way beat young talented Russian fighter Artem Semenov, who made a statement first day as he knock out Igor Ryadnov, reign World Champion KWU 2015., with a textbook axekick. Mazur also sends homefighter Shin Kameyama, Japan out with 5:0 victory. Maciej Mazur looses his next fight against Shimamoto, and that is in the second round, on warnings. This fight should not have been taken on warnings, as some of the other fights in the tournament, but that`s the way it is. Among the top 8 for Maciej Mazur and Poland is a strong result, and as far as we know the best result for Poland in the World Tournament WKO.

Yuji Shimamoto, this years world champion, met Kembu Iriki in the final. Both All Japan Open Champions, and well known from the Japanese team. Kembu Iriki all ready had a win over Shimamoto this day..Kazufumi. Kazufumi Shimamoto (brother of Yuji) Kazufumi Shimamoto also have very good skill, and his road in the tournament was mot the easy way! Win over young up and coming Valdemaras Gudauskas, Lithuania. And a win by warning against Vladimir Artyshin, the very strong and technical fighter from Kazakhstan to name a few. -but against Kembu Iriki he had to give it away.

wt_2015I (4)Kembu Iriki on his side put Antanas Klibavicius, Lithuania on the side line. Klibavicius on his side totally overran and neutralized Polish Gerard Will, double EC Champion KWF and World Champion KWF .

Kembu Iriki fought in his 4th fight against Junki Ochi, Japan with convincing 5:0. Junki Ochi had his last win against Russian IFK/KWU fighter Artem Nazaretian.

kwu_Russia11Many believed that this fight should be judged different, the Russian fighter was in control and after three rounds the victory went to the homefighter. Artem Nazaretian also had a very interesting battle against Romanian star fighter Marius Ilas, and this was a battle that all would like to see in a longer perspective. Newer the less Artem Nazaretian took this fight at the weight.

With Kembu Iriki meeting Yuji Shimamoto in the final, Japan was dominating the prize podium. And if we see among top eight, Japan have four of the eight fighters.

We can all say that the World Championship, will always be the World Championship. With that we mean that the setting is something else than we are used to, and there will always be some difference that we will try to adapt… to the next time!

Four years to next time, what do we think? What will go through our mind when we next time are set for the World Championship Shinkyokushinkai, Tokyo, Japan.

Will we remember or forget? Of course we will remember – this is our life!

