7th Winter Camp of DKO


After the big success in 2010, with the international well known fighters Sensei Muzaffer Bacak and Sensei Valeri Dimtrov, the Winter Camp of German WKO Organization is still going forward.


In 2011, Shihan Kenji Midori is attending this great event!!!

The 7th Winter Camp here in Germany, is going to be a camp, you will never forget. Places are limited – take yours asap!!! Depending on a low rate of accommodation, we have to give the places in order to signing up date!

Time and place
The Winter Camp 2011 will take place in the beautiful surrounding of Lam/Bavarian Forest. The camp will start on friday 11th of February 2011 at 20.00 hrs and will end sunday 13th of February 2011 at lunchtime.

The participants will be accommodated in two-bed rooms, within a six-bed appartment in a large modern youth hostel (tv-rooms, fitness, table-tennis etc.)
Kolpinghotel Lambach, Lambach 1, 93462 Lam

www.familienhotel-lambach.de www.osser.de

There will be all kinds of Kyokushin Karate practice, Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. The practice will take place indoor as well as outdoor. The intensive training will give all participants a great advantage and can be compared with several weeks of normal karate practice. Furthermore, there will be special practice and events - something that will only take place on a winter camp. There will be also an extra training for fighters again.

The Winter Camp fee includes all meals from dinner on Friday up to lunch on Sunday. Beverages are not included. The food within this hotel, is one of the best, you ever take. 

Everybody can participate
Participants from 13 years old can participate regardless of their rank (children below the age of eighteen must have their parents’ acceptance in order to participate). You will all benefit from the camp irrespective of rank, as the program is arranged in such a way that everyone can participate. A great deal of training will take place in groups according to rank, and each group will have its own instructor.

Further information
After or before the wintercamp you can also have a skiing holiday at the areas of the national park of Bavarian Forest. You can also train Kyokushin at this time. Our new Dojo is not to far from Lam. ;-)
The Winter Camp will be organized on behalf of Deutsche Kyokushinkai Karate Organisation (DKO, member of EKO and WKO), by TOKON-Dojo Bad Kötzting.
Participants have to organize their own insurance. The organizer rejects any responsibility in case of injury.

Further information: +49 175 4 63 02 02 or +49 99 41 94 95 59,



Signing up!!!
The Winter Camp fee is only 115 Euro!!!
You sign up on
kyokushinkai@email.de or ulhub@web.de

No later than 18.12.2010!!!

The fee is only 115 Euros which is to be paid, when signing up. This amount covers stay, practice and meals. Please remember: Depending on our guest instructor(s) the places are really out very fast!!! We will give the rooms in order of the applications!!! So please, do not wait till deadline. ;-)
The signing up is binding. In case you should get ill, please contact us by email or by phone as soon as possible – not later than Monday before the camp. Later cancellation will cost 70 Euro.
If you are under the age of eighteen, you have to obtain your parents’ acceptance for participation, and they have to sign the enrolement form as well.

Bank account (fee has to be pay, when signing up):

Oyama Karate Bad Kötzting e. V. (OKBK)
IBAN: DE 72750690810100025410
„Wintercamp 2011“


Winter Camp shirt
This year, we will have a special t-shirt/sweat-shirt. If anyone is interested in a shirt, please feel free to order one – we will produce some shirts for you. No matter. ;-). Deadline 31.12.2010!!! You should pay the shirt at arrival day – please note this. No payment together with the camp-fee! ;-)
You should have at least:
• 1-2 dogis incl. belt
• shin bone/fist protection
• track suit
• 2-3 sweat shirts/t-shirts
• running shoes and trekking shoes, a small backpack
• socks
• warm underwear
• towels
• warm jacket for outdoor training
• vitamin C/mineral drinks
• EKO passport and stamp
• It is also important to bring cap and gloves, as part of the practice will take place outdoors.



Uli Huber, Sportplatzstraße 10, 93485 Thenried

+49 175 4 63 02 02 or +49 99 41 94 95 59,

See you 2011 in Bavaria!

Sempai Uli Huber, Organizer

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