WKo Newsletter August 2008


Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts


As always, I would like to start my greeting by thanking you all for your hard work for our organization.  It is always nice to hear from you and to see how active our organization is.


There are a lot of summer camps held in different countries this month.  I have already joined several overseas summer camps.  I always feel great to do some training under the sun, wearing our white Dogi.  During the training, you can feel such a joy over the great treasure we have in common, “Karate”.  It does not matter what nationality or culture you have.


Speaking of the summer camp, I visited Norway for the first time this year.  The Norwegian organization became a member of our organization last year and I was invited their camp in June.  The Norwegian Students were really fond of Karate, filled with energy and tied together like a family.  I would like to inform you that we made the correct decision about welcoming them!


Here in Japan, we had the annual So-Honbu Summer camp in July.  Many students attended the camp and we had a fantastic time together.  It was especially nice to see many children listening carefully to their teachers.  Though the communications between people are often done by computers, mobile phones and so on, lately, I believe that face-to-face exchange is still important.  Karate gives us something more precious than a digital society.  People of all ages can enjoy Karate and we build up communication among the different generations.

The Karate Dream Cup is getting closer.  As well as the Japanese competitors, there will be 30 overseas competitors from 3 different countries in this tournament.  As you all already know, there will be 41 different categories from children to seniors and we will have around 1000 participants altogether.  It is a great Dream Festival for all generations.  I believe that everybody who is training Karate has their own dream which they want to realize and I hope that this tournament will contribute their dream come true.


If we look at the world, we are facing different kinds of trouble; raise in oil price, the environmental problems such as global warming, earthquakes and so on.  Not only natural disasters but also various crimes are increased which is very worrying.  I hope that at least we keep on sticking to our Kyokushin way and try becoming a leader for a better world.


Let’s continue working hard for “our” organization.




Kenji Midori,

WKO President










Dear Branch Chiefs,
I¡Çd like to start my greeting by thanking you all for your hard work with our organization. It is already July, and half of this year has passed. Here in Japan, the rainy season is about to end, and then we¡Çll have the summer coming. For us the summer means camps and seminars, and also this year, the So-Honbu Summer camp will of course be held in July, and we look forward to have a lot of students attending this camp.

As we informed you in last month¡Çs Newsletter, this coming August, the Karate Dream Cup will be held in Tokyo. This tournament is a tournament for all generations, and there will be 40 divisions with 976 competitors. This year, there will be 31 overseas competitors from four different countries participating. I think it is great that these people have decided to come all the way to Japan to participate in this tournament. Thank you very much for your participation. Our intention is to make this Karate Dream Cup to an international tournament, and to have children from all over the world participating in this event. I hope that we will have more competitors coming from your dojos next year!

Not only in Japan, but there are summer camps coming up in many countries throughout the world. I myself will attend camps in Norway and Greece. I apologize so much for not being able to attend all camps which I¡Çve received invitations to. But I will for sure enjoy the camps that I will attend, I will enjoy to train with you all. Once again, I strongly feel the greatness of the treasure that Oyama Sosai left with us. Thanks to Kyokushin Karate, we are given the opportunity to meet with people from all over the world, and I am very proud of this.

There will also be many students coming to Japan this summer to train Karate. I admire the enthusiasm of those people and we are proud to receive them here in Japan. We will do our best to give these students the chance to a good training and hope that they will return to their countries with many good memories of Japan.

Unfortunately, these days we are facing many natural disasters throughout the world, and we can also see an increase of criminal acts, especially horrible crimes such as indiscriminate killing. When looking at the world today, I strongly feel that more than ever, there is a strong need for Budo. And we who are practicing Budo today, should continue our Way, training our body and spirit to become stronger. In order to help those who are in need of help, you must be strong yourself. At the same time, we should do our best to show people the greatness of Karate and Budo, I¡Çm sure that by our efforts, we will make a great contribution to Society.
Once again, I thank you for your continuously hard work!

Kenji Midori








First, I’d like to send my prayers to all the many victims of the big earthquake in Chine, this May.

I also wish from my heart that those who are still waiting to be rescued will be found and taken care of. The pictures we can see through media here are so tragic, and especially to watch small children cry is so hard. Please keep on sending your prayers to the victims and the area, with the kiai from your daily training.

I also would like to thank you all for you constant hard work for the WKO. Here in Japan we will soon enter the Rainy Season. Due to the rain, we spend quite a lot of time inside, but that gives you a chance to stop a while and think about one thing and another, so maybe this is quite a good season.
Here in Japan, the first selection to the 4th Karate World Cup was made at the All Japan Weight Division Tournament, which was held a couple of weeks ago. At this tournament, we could see many young fighters coming up, showing their skill and power, I look forward to see them in battle with the World’s top fighters at the World Cup next year.

Further, I’ve just come back from Europe, watching the European Championship. The level of the fighters was very high, which is of course not strange, top fighters like Donatas , Valery, and Veronica are all brought up in this area. We could also see interesting fights from the Juniors, which makes the future of the WKO look bright and full with hope.
The coming summer, I will visit several countries, and I’m looking forward very much forward to it, to meet with everyone, and see the training, activities, and the level of Karate.

Last year, I felt like although we are working for the growth of Karate-Do in the World, something were missing, something very important. And I know that I need to confirm with each one of you that Karate is not a Sport, Karate is Budo. Karate-Do starts and ends with a good etiquette. The place where you practice this is the Dojo. A Dojo is a place of respect and gratefulness. A Karate-Ka should always respect his/hers Sensei, he/she should be grateful to his/hers Karate friends, and he/she must never forget modesty, and when necessary he/she should be brave and strong and act like a Samurai.

If we place this in a tournament, it means that competitors must always obey the referees and judges. Both fighters will use all their skill and power on the fighting mat. Since it is a competition, the referees will decide the winner, and whatever happens, you must never forget to show respect for your opponent. If any of you have students that would raise both his hands, and jump up and down to show his/hers happiness for the victory, then I really want you to teach these students about what true Budo is. This is the same for the audience watching the tournament. It makes me very angry to hear bad manners and loud shouting from the audience. Of course they are not Karate-Ka always, they are normal people, and maybe it is difficult to control it, but if you have students that behave badly as a part of the audience, this is not acceptable. I hope that all Branch Chief will work on these things, it is our responsibility, so that there will be no such misbehavior from your students.

If the Students acts with a heart of a true Budo-Ka, the other people in the audience, the fans, will automatically behave respectfully, and the bad manners will disappear from the WKO Tournaments.

Lastly, as always, the WKO is OUR organization, so it is up to US to make this organization grow!

Kenji Midori





Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts

Finally, the spring is here, and in Japan the season of Cherry Blossom has started together with a warm and nice weather. I hope you are enjoying the spring in your country as well.

As you know, in the beginning of March, the WKO Dan Grading Examination was held here in Japan. There were altogether 20 persons who took part in this test, and they all showed good techniques and strong spirit. I was especially moved to see overseas Branch Chiefs, who have come to Japan from far away in order to take part in this severe examination. You can read more about the Examination on page 4. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Shihan Brian Fitkin and Shihan Kalman Furko, both members of the Grading Committee, for coming all the way to Japan in order to be on the grading panel for this Examination. In connection to the grading, there was also a Grading Committee Meeting, which both of them attended. In this meeting, there was a final discussion about the Grading Regulations as well as discussions about the Special Recommended Dan Grading Promotion. As you all know, our organization, the WKO, has very severe and strict rules for Dan Promotion. And at last year’s General Assembly, a slight adjustment of the Dan Regulations was basically approved of, but the final discussions was made at this time, and although still keeping the strict rules, due to this adjustments they are now more efficient and up to date. I am very happy that this could be done, and I would like to thank those who have been involved in this work.

Further, we have also carried out a Special Recommended Dan Grading Promotion, and I am glad for those who have been promoted this time, and I hope for your continuous cooperation for our organization

We have also received some information about selection tournaments for the 4th World Cup scheduled in the different Regions.  The actual preparations for this big event has finally started.  I expect the fighters who will participate in the selection tournaments to train hard, and please believe in yourself.  Anyone has the chance to be selected and to become the Champion of the World.  But it is only you yourself who can make anything out of this chance. The opportunity is given to you, but the rest is up to you, so do not give up!

As I always tell you, the WKO is OUR organization, and only by OUR efforts the organization will develop into an even greater organization. I personally will try even harder to make this organization grow.


Kenji Midori,

WKO President




Dear Branch Chiefs and Contacts,

Here in Japan, the cold winter season is getting to its end, and we are looking forward to have the season of spring here soon. In Japan, spring is the season of graduation from school, and new enrollment of school, work and so on, thus we could also call it ¡È the season when everything starts¡É . The school and working year starts in April, ends in March. and people therefore tend to connect spring with new fresh energy. This is how it is in Japan, and I assume that it is different in your country.

As for the WKO the annual Dan Promotion Test is scheduled to March 9th, and there will be 19 persons from overseas to take part in this Promotion Test. As I mentioned in last month¡Çs Newsletter, we must never forget that our organization is practicing Budo, therefore, the training must always be our first priority, and the WKO has a strict standard for Dan Promotion. This because we are working with the motto to be ¡Èstrict towards ourselves¡É. It is important to remember that the WKO is OUR organization, not somebody else¡Çs organization. We all have to support the organization, in order to make a change, and this should be done primarily by hard and severe training. I hope to see the result of a hard training and strong efforts from these 19 persons who will take part in the Dan Promotion Test.
In connection to the Promotion Test, the WKO Grading Committee, and the Technical Committee, will meet, and I¡Çm very grateful to especially the overseas members of the committees who will come all the way to Japan. Thank you very much.

Lately, several new Branches have been established within the WKO, in Japan, Norichika Tsukamoto, Shuichiro Tada, Seiji Sakamoto have become Branch Chiefs, and in the Russian Region, Victor Karaschuk has become a Branch Chief. They are all top fighters who have done very well in the World Championship and World Cup. I am very glad to see a new generation of Branch Chiefs , and I believe that this will give our organization a fresh, new and strong energy.

The most important task for our organization now, is the upcoming 4th World Cup. There have been some new changes in this tournament, in order to increase the competition, we have increased the number of fighters in each category for the men. Please look at the World Cup information.

I understand that the selection tournaments for the World Cup already has started throughout the world, and here in Japan, the 25th All Japan Weight Division Tournament (to be held in May) will be the first selection. I strongly believe that the World Cup will be a great tournament, with strong and good fighters, severely selected from each Region.
I feel that this Spring; ¡Èthe season when everything starts¡É , will give our organization hope and exceptions for the coming year.

Kenji Midori




First I’d like to express my thanks to all of you for the hard work you do for our organization. 2008 has just started, and I believe this year will be filled with hope and dreams, and I feel a great joy when thinking of that our organization has members all over the world who, although different countries, are wearing the same white Karate Uniform(dogi), practicing the same Karate. For us, the Karate training is the most important, that is our source of energy, we should never forget that.. As Branch Chiefs and leaders, in our work for the development of the WKO , it is important that we continue to actual practice Karate together with our students.

In Japan, the fist training of the year, the traditional Kagami Biraki, was held on January 13th. This year however, the training was not held at So-Honbu Dojo as usual, but instead it was held at the Gokuji Temple, where Sosai’s grave is. January 13th, was a beautiful winter day, with a blue sky and a bright sunshine, and all Japanese Branch Chiefs was gathered to this event. I believe that everybody who attended this event could feel the presence of Sosai, and I also believe that Sosai could hear our Kiai. I almost felt that I could hear Sosai’s word [You all have to practice your Karate more,,,you do not train enough]. The start of this year was the best we’ve had. After the training, we all said our prayers in front of Sosai’s grave, and we told him about what a great success last year’s World Championship was, and what hard work all our members throughout the world had done. It felt as though Sosai was smiling nicely at us when he heard our words.

This year, the selection tournaments for the 4th World Cup will be held all over the world. I’m looking forward to see the names of the selected fighters. Of course, we also would like to cooperate with the promotion of these selection events, so please inform the WKO Office of dates and other details, as soon as they are fixed. To the Russian branch Chiefs; we hope that you are working hard together with the preparations for this event.

Lastly, I am happy to receive information from all of you about various events that you have scheduled in your region for this year (Tournaments, camps, seminars and so on) .I also would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have sent me invitations to your events. I would really like to accept all invitations and visit your country and observe the different events, however, depending on my own schedule, I may not be able to accept all invitations. Please accept my apologies for not being able to accept some of the invitations. I hope though that all events that are carried out throughout the world will be the greatest success.

Lastly, again, I’d like to remind all of you that we are all Budo-Ka, Karate-ka, which means that we should mainly focus on the Karate training.Through hard and severe training, we will develop a strong mind and body, and only then, we will be able to build up a strong and healthy organization, so let’s continue the Path of Budo together!


Kenji Midori




From Newsletter (December, January)


First, I would like to wish you all, Branch Chiefs, and Contacts, a Happy New Year!

I also would like to thank you all for your strong support and hard work this past year.

A new year filled with dreams and expectations is just about to start. In Japan there is a saying; “the first day of the year, is the most important day of the new year”. This means that you should make your plans of the new year right in the beginning of the year. What about you all? Have you already made up your plans for this coming year?

In Japan, we will organize a new tournament called “Karate Dream Cup” this year. As you can read from the name, our hope is that this tournament will become an event filled with hope and dreams. This tournament will contain, the All Japan Junior Championship, and the Masters Championship, two tournaments that have been held on separate occasions every year. Except for these two tournaments we have also added a few divisions, thus we believe that this will become an event that everybody from the youngest to the oldest members will enjoy. Our intentions is to make this an event that will fulfill everybody’s dream. The tournament is scheduled to August 9th,10th at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, the same venue as where the World Championship was held. Our plan is to in the future make this tournament to an International event, and that this will become the bridge to a new future for the WKO.

Otherwise, our organization is already working towards the World Cup in Russia , 2009, and I assume that most Regions will be busy with the selections of the competitors for this tournament. I hope that all Branch Chiefs in the Russian Region will work hard together in order to make the World Cup successful. Only by looking at the level of the competitors in last year’s World Championship, we know that the World Cup will become the most exciting event, and I hope that all of you will support the Russian Region in their work.

If we take a look throughout the world, we will see an increase of crimes, and tragedy, and I believe that we all should once again think about the deeper meaning of Karate and Budo. Oyama Sosai left many good words behind him, one is the Kyokushin Spirit, which tell us to: “keep your head low, eyes high, do not speak too much, be loyal to your kinship, and respect and serve others”. A truly strong person has also a strong spirit and will be kind to other people. If all people in the world could keep this kind of thinking, we would for sure see more laughing children fulfilling their dreams, and we would not have to experience any disasters. As I always says, the WKO is OUR organization, so let’s continue our work for world peace together, by building up a strong Budo organization, with a strong and kind spirit.

Lastly, I would like to wish you all a prosperous year and I hope that you will be able to fulfill your dreams!


Kenji Midori