Lørdag 17 April 2010 er det klart for årets utgave av Mushin Challenge. Merk dere at dette er èn uke tidligere enn den dato som ble satt for et år tilbake (rettere sagt etter Mushin IV) Dette grunnet et annet arrangement nasjonalt som vi velger å vike for. April mnd er fullbooket med aktiviteter nasjonalt/regionalt,så det blir en utfordring å skape et like sterkt fightcard som i fjor-tror vi!
Som sist er det tre fightingklasser å melde seg på i,samt fremvisning av Kata.
C-Klasse -leggbeskyttere+hansker
B-Klasse -leggbeskyttere
A-Klasse -ingen beskyttelse. (susp,tann,bryst)
Det er allerede mulig og melde seg på,enten på trening , eller på shoutbox på hovedsiden. Fightcard blir satt opp nå tiden nærmer seg,men alle påmeldte blir linet opp fortløpende med harde facts-og glimt i øye!
Joe Kenneth Mc Donnell Dojo/Gym Red River Fight Gym |
Kjetil Myrengen Dojo/Gym: Thorbear-ryu Coach |
Henrik Matzow Dojo/Gym: Arise FG Coach:? |
Ann Christin Storteig Dojo/Gym: Comeback FG Coach:? |
Emma Evensen Lie Olsen Dojo/Gym: E-MMA Coach: ? |
Robin Junge Dojo/Gym: BFFG Coach: ? |
Morten Kleven Dojo: Twins FG Coach: ukjent |
Gard Nordlie Dojo: Coach: ukjent |
Steffen Håkenrud Edvardsen Dojo: Øyaveinen Coach: ukjent |
Sempai Inga Terese Wien Dojo: Hammerhouse Coach: William |
Per Øivinn Andersen Dojo/Gym: Aces High Fight gym Coach: M & M |
Svein Arne Haugerud "The Hammer" Dojo: Hammerhouse Coach: William |
Even ( Manslaughter) Mannsåker Dojo/location: Wild West Coach: ukjent |
Johan Kjørstad Dojo: Jodan-Dojo Coach: ukjent |
Trygve Hogstad "The fish" Dojo/Gym: Deep Coach: ukjent |
Torhild Bjella Dojo: Tozo Dojo Coach: ukjent |
Ida Helen Lerum Dojo/Gym: Impact Gym Coach: Ukjent |
Jarle Røine Dojo/Gym: Sprinkel Gym Coach: Ukjent |
Christina Wong Dojo/Gym: Wong-bu Dojo Coach: Ukjent |
Tina Johansen Dojo/Gym: Late Shower Gym Coach: Lano |
Kjetil Lundal Dojo/Gym: Rkk Instroctors Coach: |
Kennet Nilsen Dojo/Gym: Iron hand Gym Coach: |
Alexander Ilic Dojo/Gym: The Painless Gym Coach: |
Martin Skogmo Dojo/Gym: One strike Gym Coach: |
In Japanese, this word means innocent, or one with no
knowledge of good and evil. It literally means "without mind".
This is one of the five spirits of the warrior (budo), and is often used as a
Japanese martial arts tenet. Under that context, places such as the budo dojo
define it this way: "No mind, a mind without ego. A mind like a mirror which
reflects and dos not judge." The original term was "mushin no shin", meaning,
"mind of no mind." It is a state of mind without fear, anger, or anxiety. Mushin
is often described by the phrase, "mizu no kokoro", which means, "mind like
water". The phrase is a metaphor describing the pond that clearly reflects it’s
surroundings when calm, but whose images are obscured once a pebble is dropped
into its waters.
This has a good meaning in conjunction with Chan / Zen Buddhism in Japan.
However, out of that context, it means mindlessness or absent-minded. To
non-Buddhists in China, this is associated with doing something without
In Korean, this usually means indifference.