


Hvorfor skulle en landskamp mellom Polen og Litauen interesere oss som ikke bor i disse landene?

Maciej Mazur (Polen)som møtte E. Mannsåker i British Open.

Polen har etter det organisasjonsbytte vært meget søkende ut i Kyokushinverden. Dette er en nasjon som tørster etter å få målt sitt nivå med andre som de ikke har fått gjort på mange år,foruten om innad i sin gamle org. Allerede i høst har de nye Shinkyokushin medlemmene stillt opp i flere Open turneringer som : Swedish Open,British Open samt flere nasjonale turneringer.

Litauen på sin side har vært stornasjonen rent europeisk sett,og derfor har Polen rett og slett fatt i stand en landskamp for å få en bekreftelse på hvordan de ligger ann ift en av de ledende nasjonene i europa. Dette er meget målbevist og seriøs handling,men som vitner om et sundt,sterkt konkuransemiljø. 9 av 10 hadde neppe utfordret en annen nasjon som man antar er sterkere!


Her er hva Polen kommenterte i etterkant:

On Saturday 16 October, 2010 in Elk was a great event to celebrate the opening of the new dojo Elk Kyokushin Karate Club - Match Poland and Lithuania. It is worth stressing that what made his dojo Elk exceeded all expectations and raise your admiration and appreciation for RemigiuszaKarpińskiego sensei, who undertook this very difficult challenge.  Property makes a great impression and a sense of joy from the development of karate.

This match was very high, 20 duels played, the results from 22 to 18 shows a very even level. This was an important test for our team and there is nothing to hide, Lithuania was a better team. However, taking into account the fact that this is absolutely the best team in Europe and by far the best global close such a good result should be read as a success. Our training system is not yet so well developed, and most tasks related to the training lies with the clubs.

A detailed description of the battles we will introduce shortly. A Detailed description of the battles in the Will Introduce shortly. So far a few words about the representativeness of our region: So far a few words about the representativeness of our region:

Fights are exciting and have a very high level sport, the riders of our BC gave their lot, and we can confidently say that it did not disappoint. Fights are exciting and have a very high level sport, the riders of our BC Gave Their flight, and can confidently say in That it did not disappoint.

Mindaugas Astrauskas (Litauen) som S.haukedalen møtte i Swiss Open


 Dawid Zajko vs Alfredas Jakštas



Resultater følger under..



Senior og junior gjorde opp!


POLSKA   LITWA kat. wynik punkty
1. Patryk Chomiczewski - Artur Jarovo -65 kg B 0-2 0-wazari 
2. Jan Podurgiel - Eguard Štol +75 kg B 0-2 0-0
3. Paweł Bronowicki - Mindaugas Astrauskas -70 kg M 1-1 0-0
4. Dawid Zajko - Alfredas Jakštas -90 kg M 1-1 0-0
5. Aleksandra Czerwiecka - Eglė Kunelytė +60 kg G 2-0 0-0
6. Bartłomiej Czop - Valdas Avelis -65 kg B 1-1 1-1
7. Tomasz Adamczyk - Dovydas Kavaliauskas -75 kg B 0-2 0-wazari
8. Maciej Mazur - Vytautas Viščius -80 kg M 1-1 0-0
9. Katarzyna Habraszka - Nora Vaznelytė +68 kg W 1-1 0-0
10. Mateusz Garbacz - Amdrius Miseckas -70 kg M 1-1 0-0
11. Tomasz Bodzioch - Aurimas Šmigelskis -75 kg B 0-2 0-0
12. Marta Zwierz - Gabija Kalinauskaite -55 kg G 2-0 0-0
13. Marek Odzeniak - Linas Jonika -80 kg M 2-0 0-0
14. Agata Kaliciak - Ina Orlova -68 kg W 1-1 0-0
15. Malesa Michał - Orest Proc -90 kg M 0-2 0-0
16. Bartek Szymański - Eguard Štol +75 kg B 0-2 0-ippon
17. Marta Lubos - Toma VIršilaitė -60 kg G 2-0 wazari-0
18. Karol Cieśluk - Mindaugas Pavilionis +90 kg M 1-1 0-0
19. Ewa Pawlikowska - Diana Maciute -55 kg W 1-1 0-0
20. Łukasz Lemieszko - Andrius Draugelis +90 kg M 1-1 0-0
  18   22



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