
Midori Open 2007

Knock-out Knock-down




Osu Shihan , Sensei , Sempai,

We are proud to invite you to our tournament, it shall be great!!!

This tournament is mend for international and novice fighters.

With a novice fighter we mean no international experience and no higher grade then 2nd Kyu.

The Midori Open ShinKyokushin 2007 shall be held under auspicien from the NSKO , member off the EKO and WKO.

Our country representative Sensei Koen Scharrenberg shall lead the tournament.

The organisation is in hand off Dojo Renshu Oosterhout member of the NSKO.



The tournament shall be held on the 23rd September 2007.

The fights shall start at 12.00hrs and shall end at 18.00hrs

Weight Control between 9.00 – 10.00hrs



Place to be: Sports Hal "Oosterheide"

L Napoleonlaan 111

4904 LH Oosterhout


The Netherlands



For more information:         Info@dojorenshu.nl





We would like to have many foreigner fighters at our tournament, therefore we have organised a very cheap place to stay.

For only €10,- per person for 1 night with breakfast (you must make your own) you can sleep comfortable in Oosterhout. You only need a sleeping bag.

If you like we can send you a picture of the accommodation.

Please fill in the application form if you like to stay at the accommodation.


For more information : Info@dojorenshu.nl


The weight classes are ass followed:

International classes

Men -70kg

Men -80kg

Men +80kg

Women -65kg

Women +65 kg

The fights will be 3 minutes , if there is a draw an extension 2 minutes , draw then an extension with enso sen!

Only protection for the groin and breast cups for the women

Novice classes

Men -70kg

Men -80kg

Men +80kg

Women -65kg

Women -65kg

The fights will be 2 minutes , if there is a draw an extension 2 minutes , draw then an extension with enso sen!

Only protection for the groin and shin and breast cups for the women.


Please place the attached flyer on your website and promote your fighters to compete at our great tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fill in the application form before 30th of august 2007 and send it to Info@dojorenshu.nl


Application form Holland Open ShinKyokushin Karate

Country: ___________________________________


Contact person:_____________________________




Weight Grade Intern. Novice  
John Jones (example) 74kg 1st Dan X



If you want to use our accommodation for the night please give here under with how many you want to stay, will make a reservation!!!! (incl. supporters , coaches , fighters etc.)