
Golden Glory Statement

 Statement of Bas Boon of the famous Golden Glory Gym.

Golden Glory statement and story - Amsterdam Arena

Does being unlucky exist?

Little less than one month ago we traveled to Tokyo Japan. We met Kharitonov for his fight in Dreams against Monson. Kharitonov prepared in Moscow and not in Holland and after having a great winning streak Kharitonov, tapped out within one minute. He was warned about the north south choke by Monson, but it did not help. Discussions followed about the importance of preparing in Holland - at all times. Little did I know the events that were to come, I sure had another thing coming......
One week later Nieky Holzken calls me: Bas: I broke my toe in the last sparring session in my preparation for the K-1 max (last 16). Nieky fought with a broken toe and still qualified and gave an unbelievable performance.
Not even a few days after the Nieky Holzken incident, I agreed with Scott Cocker from Strikeforce to have Alistair defend his Strikeforce heavyweight title.
A few days later the telephone rings: Alistair has been arrested, what???????

The G.G lawyer makes some overtime and Alistair is released after a few days. Alistair attended some famous dance club with his brother Valentine. Went to the toilet and did not have coins to pay the toilet woman. Alistair told her he would pay a euro when he came back, because he did not have change. Then the security guard who was near by started to get involved.
Brother Valentine saw the incident and also started asking what the problem was. They offered to pay, but by then 6 security guards came over surrounding them. The Overeem brothers were asked to leave, Alistair was already outside when he saw his brother Valentine fighting. Valentine still was discussing the situation on his way outside with one of the security guards hit Valentine in the face with a flash light. Three security guards dived onto Valentine and brother Alistair wanted to go back inside to help his brother. This resulted in five security guards in the hospital.
More dark clouds arrived when (after being released from prison, one of the security guards was fired and one declared that the Overeem brothers started the incident) Alistair starts training immediately after release. The street fight left him with a wound on his fist which became infected. Alistair thought he hurt his hand in training and it was just bruised. It was only because of the management pushing him to go to the hospital that he saved his hand. When he finally got his injury checked, he was advised to stay a few days in the hospital. They told him if he would have come any later he would have lost his hand.
No we had to cancel the Strikeforce title fight for June 6th.
All this is happening as I am trying to get Ruslan Karaev to Holland for acting as a replacement fighter for Gokhan Saki, who was supposed to fight the rematch with Spong in the Amsterdam Arena on May 16th. Saki got "unlucky" in his title fight tournament final battle against a Japanese opponent on March 28th. Turned out Saki has a bone splinter in his foot and will not be able to fight for two months.

Visa applications were done for Kharitonov and Karaev, however Karaev was on a holiday and did not really train, but we agreed if he would come to Holland three weeks before the Amsterdam Arena event, he would be fit to fight. Kharitonov came but Karaev got some problems with his visa application at the embassy and for two weeks he traveled up and down to the Dutch embassy in Moscow to try and sort things out. When everything finally was sorted with his visa, there were some Russian holidays and Dutch holidays, queens day and May 5th liberation day. To make a long story short, Karaev arrived in Holland two days before the Amsterdam Arena event, totally wasted from all the traveling and visa business. He came on the original papers I sent in the first place, so no wrong doing from G.G. So we decided to cancel the fight, first Saki now Karaev.

Gokhan Saki

Simon Rutz "understandably" was not happy with these developments, but we really tried everything. Even Saki said he would fight with the injured leg one day before the event. But of course the management told Saki this was not a good idea and that Simon already found a replacement fighter.
Still we agreed that if we would receive some more money for the fight as originally agreed we would accept the fight. It would have been a great risk and if Saki would kick his opponent and kick with his foot on an elbow, he could seriously damage his already badly injured foot and would be out of the fighting scene for years. Also his win in Japan against Spong would not be so profitable anymore as he would fight a good fighter with an injury and had higher chance of loosing (for sure this would have happened if we can see how this evening went for GG, the double money would have been a bad business deal!). Simon Rutz took it the wrong way and started to raise his voice that was filled with emotion - at the press conference.

"It's Showtime / Simon Rutz could not be blackmailed" and blah blah. Very Unprofessional on Simon Rutz the promoter / manager's part, who was putting on such a great event! Saki heard Spong had still no opponent two days before the event and thought, I can still offer to fight, but it will be a big risk and against his doctor's advice., these things sometime happen and a promoter sometimes does anything to save his fight card/event and does not care about the health of the fighters. These types of issues should stay between closed doors and is not for the public to hear and does not promote the sport. Especially as Simon Rutz really blackmailed another big organization not long ago with a fighter who was totally fit, but as Simon made a mistake as a manager (he was too busy promoting his event) he signed a five year deal. When his fighter became a mega star he wanted more money (understandably) However, Simon asked for more money just one day before the event, while his existing contract was still valid and there was no time to get a replacement fighter in such a short time. Simon confronted the promoter with this crap one night before the event. Simon raised his voice and his unjust case at his own press conference, saying how unfair G.G treated him. If somebody was capable of blackmail it was Simon and no body else! If that is not hypocritical I don't know what is. Why would Simon press this behind the scene in negotiations so much? Why blow this up so much? The reason is simple: He wanted Saki to fight in his event in Turkey against Badr and thought that the management of Golden Glory was trying to make double money by negotiating with Simon without the knowledge of Saki. If Saki would fight against Spong, G.G would make extra money. He thought Saki would hear his accusations towards G.G in the press conference and he thought Saki did not know about the proposal from his management, he was hoping Saki would then leave Golden Glory and Simon would have a fair chance for his game plan in Turkey!

As my partner Ron Nyqvist and Saki discussed all these things, the night before the press conference, the speech of: how bad GG was, came as a total surprise for me at the press conference. I did not really understand what was going on? Why was Simon putting all these business matters out to the public? Things became more clear when Simon started talking about Saki fighting in Turkey (what did that have to do with the Arena?). Simon wanted to promote in Turkey and wanted Saki to fight Badr Hari, Saki found out Badr would get more money for that fight then himself and its Saki who is the star in his home country. Apparently (the management did not know this) Saki ask for triple the amount, no deals were made and this was Saki's good right and did exactly what the management would have done and would have suggested. Saki was built up in Turkey by his management who helped with the K-1 TV deal in Turkey and broadcasted events with the involvement of Golden Glory on Turkish TV, where the last rating went through the roof when Saki fought. The last Glory event had almost 18 million viewers on Turkish TV (more then in Japan, maybe people start to understand the commercial value of this incident). Simon could smell the opportunity of a big bag of money, however he did not control Saki, as he is with Golden Glory. Saki now offered to fight for more money with an injured foot, so Simon started a smudge campaign.
It did not stop at the press conference at the event in front of 20.000 people and live TV he talked for fifteen minutes about how he could not be blackmailed and how bad Golden Glory handled the case.

Bad vibes
Well the tone was set, I did not think about Kharitonov and Alistair at that time, but after Stefan Leko fought I had a very nasty feeling in my stomach.
Stefan was back, the Blitz moved through the ring and frustrated Melvin Manhoef.
Manhoef was expected to KO Stefan, which was not fair to Melvin as Stefan is a great fighter and apparently had big plans for the fight against Manhoef.
Stefan did great with good jabs and uppercuts following up with low kicks, in round two he landed about 20 low kicks and the audience started yelling every time Stefan landed a low kick. Melvin was well prepared and fought back but Stefan evaded the dangerous KO power punches from Melvin who did not really get into the fight like he wanted. In round three Stefan kicks with his left leg to the inside of Melvin's leg and hits his knee with his foot. His foot started to swell like a balloon and a few minutes before the end of the fight Stefan is stopped by MIV. No shame for Stefan who got a great applause by the audience, bad luck?

Errol Zimmerman

Then Errol makes his way to the ring, but at the end of round one he get caught with a knee opening a big cut on his forehead, the ref stops the fight just before the end of the first round, ooops Leko's injured foot, now Errol's cut in round 1 before Nieky's toe and Saki's foot and then you still have to do the main event...........

Semmy Schilt

Semmy was well prepared, he trained a lot with fellow Golden Glory fighters and it was painful to see Stefan going away in an ambulance and Errol getting stitches.
I am thinking back, this is not our month, Kharitonov, Alistair missing the title fight and almost a hand loss, Stefan's foot, Errol's cut aaarghhh all the weight is on Semmy's shoulders who does not really have good memories at its showtime events Arena, with his only really KO loss against Ignashov.
It was a complete circus, the final was crazy and we could not hear our selves, the audience was so loud, it was like nothing I've seen or witnessed before. So there was no coaching, Semmy was "on his own" and just got caught. We knew what Badr was going to do, but he did what he had to do and Semmy got caught for the second time, before that Semmy hit Badr with a good left which resulted in a bleeding noose, a few inches lower and it would have landed on Badr's chin. But it did not happen, the second time Semmy was hit, he was up and wanted to continue but the ref counted him out.

For Golden Glory the candle went out that night with a very bad smell. However we would like to congratulate Simon Rutz and company for putting on a great event. In the future our fighters will have many more battles, in the ring and possibly behind the scenes, with management and fighters. We just hope that everyone has learned something from this situation and that the sport may triumph above all!
Semmy and his corner men applauded Badr on his victory! We all do here at Golden Glory.

Let's keep our dirty laundry where it belongs, in the closet or first wash it before hanging it outside for everybody to see!
I am sure in the near future Semmy and Badr will meet again!

Golden Glory Bas Boon

