A team contains 5 male fighters and with the possibility of 2 male reserves. These fighters have to be in the next weight categories:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Team:              2 lightweight -70 kg, 2 middleweight -80 kg, 1 heavyweight +80 kg                     Reserves:    1 lightweight, 1 middleweight

The reserves may only replace an injured team member who is in the same weight category or heavier. The replaced team member can not fight in the next round(s) because the reserve has taken his place.

At the beginning of a team bout, both coaches deliver the line-up of fighters to the jury table(fight 1 and 2 -70 kg, fight 3 and 4 -80kg, fight 5 +80 kg). A team can be disqualified if the coach or somebody else changes a team when the jury already has the line-up.

The decision in the Team fights is done by the number of victories. The fights are without extention and maximum three minutes. If both teams have the same score(2 win, 2 losses, 1 draw), than the team with the most “ippons” will be the winner. If both teams have the same number of “ippon’s”, than the team with the most “waza-ari’s” will be the winner. If both teams also have the same number of “waza-ari’s”, than the 6th fighter has to fight. If this fight ends in a draw, than the 7th fighter has to fight. If this fight ends also in a draw, than one fighter of each team(regardless weight) will fight a maximum of three minutes on “encho-sen(decision).

Note(example)! If team A has no 1st reserve -70 kg, than team B is the winner.                        If team A has no 2nd reserve -80 kg, than the 1st reserve from team A may also fight against the 2nd reserve from team B.


ShinKyokushin Full contact contact rules and no holding or grabbing.                                  Obligatory protection: groin protection.                                                                                          Not using a teeth protection is on their own risk!

- If I participant fights in a Country team, then it is not allowed to participate also in the Open weight division.                                                                                                                                                               – From every country organization, one team can participate, for example IFK Belgium 1 team, IFK Great Britain1 team etc. The organizing organization may delegate two teams.