Dmitry Saveliev 






24 July 2011 from 2pm - 5pm

Seminar will be two fold instructing on Russian tournament preparation for knockdown events focusing on

1. Methods and special exercises to develop strength, endurance, speed, dexterity
2. Technique for champions (combinations, thoughts, psychological, moments)

The course is OPEN to all levels of student from any Organisation, and also to coaches that
may want to study the methods used.

Adult £20
Junior 14 to u16 £15

There are limited spaces so please book early.

The seminar will be held in Crawley Dojo


Dmitry Saveliev

Dette hadde vært verdt mye å kunne deltatt på. Her snakker man om en helproffesjonell Kyokushin utøver. For å sette ting i perspektiv så er dette en som tok British Open 2010 som et oppkjøringsstevne,vant alle 5 kampene mer eller mindre helt greit...

2007 IFK European HW Champion
2007 Russian HW Champion
2008 Russian HW Champion
2008 Royama European HW Champion
2009 Dragon Cup Openweight Champion
2009 All Kyokushin World Championships 3rd
2010 IFK British Open HW Champion
2010 All Russian Kyokushin Openweight Champion

Les også:

Dmitry Saveliev i British vids