Australia vs the World |
Shota Maeda - Japan vs Matthew A - West Ryde |
Andrusko Evgeni - Russia vs Ali (?) - Iran |
Shota Maeda - Japan vs Kaiku - West Ryde
Peter Tran -Liverpool vs Matthew Prodanovic - Tamashii Australia
Like a pre Worlt Tournament the Australia vs The World will be held Sunday 7th August Sevral top fighter from around the world are invited,and og course the host will also have their best fighters ready. Name as Roman Nesterenko (Rus) Lukas Kubilius (lit) Zsolt Balogh (Hun) Sandor Kovacs (Hun) Rafael Garcia Cardoso (Bra)Yoshinori Nagano (jpn) Shota Maeda (Jpn) are listed,and sevral local fighters. more info to come.. |