4th Belgium Mountain Training Camp


When:                         Friday, 24  Sunday, 26 September 2010

Arrival:                        Friday, 24 September between 19u en 19.30u

Departure:                   Sunday, 26 September 12.30u - 13.00u


Application:                 Everybody from the age off 14, with a valid EKO- pass (licensee stamped from 2010).


Highlights:                   1. Beautyfull surroundings for Namur;

2. A day of practice like sosai Mas. Oyama on his mountain;

3. Experience off a  … man kumite;

4. Great times with the Kyokushin-family.


Teachers:                    Koen Spitaels, 4e dan

                                   Luc Vandecraen, 4e dan

                                   Marc Goyvaerts, 3e dan 
                                   Nancy van den Berghe, 3e dan

                                   Dirk Keulemans, 3e dan

Gentil Declercq, 3e dan

Bert Jansens, 3e dan


Examination:               The exam till Sandan will be held on Friday, under need the experienced eye off Shihan Martin Michel, 5e dan


Accommodation:         Auberge de Jeunesse de Namur
Félicien Rops, 8
B- 5000

In the youth hostel the cheats are included, as well as full pension: We’ll have breakfast, lunch and diner on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday


Registration/ Info:        Send your application till 15 september 2010 to:



Peter De Raedt

Tel: +32474078752

Mail: deraedtpeter@hotmail.com



                                   Please send your participation amount to our Fortis bank number:


Account - number: 001-5706628-97  

Keyword "Mountain Training Camp 2010" (plus name and dojo!)


Foreign participants, please pay the participation with these numbers

IBAN: BE54 0015 7066 2897

BIC-code fortis: GEBABEBB


                                    Registration is true chronologic order; you’re signed in after we get the Entrance fee




Cost:                            Entrance fee for the Mountain camp is only € 100!!


Be aware!! By a early booking you can safe money and make sure you have a place at the camp! (Only by a payment before 30 juni 2010)



Early booking € 85, Discount off € 15!!



Entering is binding!


Legal responsibility:    The organization and the teachers don’t take any responsibilities what so ever. To take part is at your own risk


What you need:          outside personal stuff, best bring along;

-          2 Karate-GI

-          EKO-Pass + 2010 stamp and Int. Kyokushinkai Membership card

-          Shin en hand protection, mitts 

-          Trainings suit

-          Running shoes

-          Rain protecting clouts

-          Slippers

-          Towels

-          First aide kit

-          Mineral water/ isotonic drinks etc.

Participants under the age of 16 years must have a written approval of their parents or legal tutors


             Sosai Mas. Oyama mountain Training Camp 2010



Authorization off the parents or Legal guardians


I (name parent):                                                                                 


Give my son/daughter


(name off child):                                                Day off birth::                          


My authorization to take part in international training Camp in Namen of 24.09.2010 - 26.09.2010


I have read and have approved


My son/daughter would be protected during the camp by Mr./Mrs.:.                          


Name, address en telephone -number off parents/Legal guardian:                                   






Place, Date                                                                                        Signature


