Summer Camp Norway 2008

-Kenji Midori Shihan - first time in Norway-

Norwegian Kyokushin Org NKO -Shinkyokushin Norway   organized in 2008, its annual summer camp. But this year it should still be slightly different than previous years ... The camp was held in southern Norway, TØønsberg on a military barracks "Bolerne" This is an island just off the Norwegian coast.

Shihan Brian Fitkin was listed as a main instructor this year, but it was also clear to even further an elite instructor. WKO preident Shihan Kenji Midori entered Norway for the first time this year. He was accompanied Sensei Yasukazu Koi and winner of the All Japan Open Sempai Shohei Yamano.

There were great expectations, and many were very excited about meeting with Midori. Through the camp hectic days, all participants will experience a ensentrisk and very lively Midori. A real joyspreader that generate positivity in the groups as he interact in. And of course, a good instructor and techniques far beyond what most people had seen before. For one must remember that Norway had remained a little in "sleep" over the last few years, before some political "nodules" were dissolved.


Norwegian Karatekas also experience a person who drove himself hard in the exercise name. Before the regular sets of training, had Shihan Midori and his entourage already trained a significant amount. This was something that many picked up, and that everyone understood: good leaders will send the right messages.

One of the evening was also dedicated to Shihan Midori's story,where he spoke about his experiences in karate and how it influenced and was his life. During this sequence, could be the camp's participants ask questions to Shihan Midori. He on his sidereplied, open to all questions that came, which especially the younger athletes really appreciated.
